Depends on the position. If I'm on my knees and she's sitting up it's no problem. If we are both laying on the bed it's a bit more difficult to see.
Depends on the position. If I'm on my knees and she's sitting up it's no problem. If we are both laying on the bed it's a bit more difficult to see.
We are never ever ever, getting back together!
In my opinion, it's less of her riding coattails and more of her cultural appropriation, using one of her sons as a prop to show she's not racist, and racist ramblings and double downs on social media.
Thanks for the laugh!
Them is fighting words Cassie.
/me goes and downloads True Detectives.
Hey, if we convert our beds to bunk beds, we will have more room for activities!
Well, does she weigh less than a duck?
I had a history teachers who told us a story about when she visited Russia. She said she wasn't off the plane for an hour when someone propositioned her for sex because she was "American Slut"
I was going to say "in before someone fails at grammar and criticizes 'an HJ'" but apparently I wasn't fast enough! DAMN!
Nah, if you were a real MRA you wouldn't see this thread because you'd still be raging with your fellow MRA scum over the sex toys article Erin wrote.
We know, you didn't need to restate it for us!
It makes me dizzy, and since I have a penis, your misandry gif is misandry!
This made me laugh my ass off.
Why? So then she can use a sex toy designed to simulate the feeling of a penis and then write a blog post about it? Wow, what a lonely fuck/chairsniffer she will be!
I really hate how some people are fawning all of this, acting like it's a major accomplishment that some man is helping his daughters get ready. You know what? It's not. A man is taking care of his children. That doesn't deserve a gold medal; that's called doing what you're supposed to do because you're an adult.