
Is it possible to report a news article to troll patrol?

Bravo, sir. Bravo.

I know, right?

I love to day dream. Literally, I could spend hours inside my head. I made the decision to start writing it all down.

Thanks, I was going to respond to this person with a post on how it wasn't just Reagan and Bush who have fucked us but pretty much every sitting president for the past few decades has done their share. I literally give 0 fucks whenever I see a news story about a baby boomer who can't get a job considering the office

At least they have a savings. Between college, the recession, and the job market. Yeah, no money here AT ALL.

If even 1 person had retired I wouldn't have lost my job. Seniority + unions sucks.

Age of retirement is 65 in the country right now. It's not my fault that some people in the baby boomer generation have fucked up and are probably going to work until they're in the grave or in a home but it's shitty that the younger generations are the ones who have to deal with this bullshit.

You're only 49. I'm talking there were 11 people over the age of 65 working in my office.

Preach it.

See, I'm on the opposite end of that spectrum. I wish people had told me to find my passions and follow them back in High School. Soon I will be finishing school with a degree in Computer Programming and after one of my recent semesters I've realized something. I fucking hate Computer Programming.

Please, drop the melodrama. Nowhere in my post did I allude to or say "feminists hate men" and the fact that you say "I'm not going to waste my time..." as you're opening tells me you didn't bother to read a word of what I said.

While I don't see every observation about sexist behavior as hatred for men, I do see a sexist behavior often attributed to all men which I do find offensive.

Great post. I was trying to go to sleep and I'm glad I stumbled upon your post. I would like to discuss some things, and potentially provide some understanding/framework.

Exactly, just for the shits and giggles, I've done a quick head count of my bosses and rated them either good or terrible based on competency and attitude.

The only one I could possibly think of is porn star, however, there is probably a segment of porn interested in teeny weenies.

Yes, Yes, and Yes.

HAHA, What a joke, in the day of the internet, "civil" doesn't belong with the word activism anymore.

I still read it though.

Wonder how numb the "strippers" at the event needed to be to ignore the random shit hurled at them from the crowd.