
Sometimes your busy, not saying the arousal lasts that long but occasionally things can cause repeated arousal and you don't have the time to take care of it.

First, what do you qualify as an inappropriate erection?

Removed JulesFern's sub-comments, they were unhelpful and incorrect as several others also pointed out.

There isn't a difference between a spontaneous boner and a public boner unless you're somehow implying that a spontaneous boner somehow only occurs in the confines of your abode when things are getting in the mood at which point it is no longer a spontaneous boner.

You are clearly a woman which is why it's difficult for you to understand that erections and arousal can happen in men with even the slightest triggers. This is even more true if you're a fit man who works out regularly which will result in higher testosterone levels which will result in more public boners.

I'm guessing not having a penis to get erect in JulesFern's case. Seriously, unless there is something wrong with your penis or you have diseases that can cause ED, public boners occur all the time and the higher the testosterone level, the higher the chance of you getting a public boner.

Reminds me of that movie, Teeth.

Cannot Fucking Wait.

This is a hilarious story, thanks for sharing.

Yeah, they are spiffy, until you realize you can't do anything to remedy the situation and then someone eventually points it out which just leads to loads of embarrassment.

Honestly, it's not all that its cracked up to be and it's quite bothersome at times. Nothing worse than getting totally turned on at a point in time when you know it'll be hours, sometimes even days, before you could do anything about it.

I doubt it because there are so many rapes that go unreported and there are too many factors and possible people to ask if their child is the result of rape. Do you query expectant mothers? Women who have given birth? Women who have had abortions? People who have come forward and claimed they were raped if they got

And that is part of what makes Dee's dating a retarded person such an amazing episode lol.

Then after they pull out the first one they keep pulling and Charlie goes hysterical. LOL. classic.

Haha, my two favorite moments are the list with the crossed off names at the abortion rally and the time when Charlie and Mac are standing around the apartment and they start pulling Charlie's teeth out.

OMG, I'm not sure which was my favorite episode of IAS, Mac is a serial killer or Dee's dating a retarded person.