
Me too. Best part of this “racecar” is the smart phone integrated into the steering wheel.

Alien Blue.

Aline blue, the iOS Reddit App has a “night mode”. Triple tapping the top bar switches it to black. Since switching I haven’t gone back.

Centralia is a coal fire which started underground. My thinking is, since the gas is coming out at pressure it would burn like a burn off stack, above ground.

Is there anything saying they couldn’t burn off the escaping gas?

I’ll be over here, crying for the future of society.

Definitely less time in site prep when going wet. Given the variability in grade, the cost benefits of wet placement can be more than enough to justify the labor costs.

Not plenty of blame to go around. I don’t ride bikes, but what I do know is I have no right to endanger someone based on a self entitled perception that I need to enforce traffic laws on others. This old guy was a total asshole.

I’m shocked nobody is bitching about lens flare yet.

Probably because her staff is made from a lightsaber (or two).

I happened to end up owning a copy on VHS thanks to a local garage sale. I didn’t know anything about it, but, damn.... it’s now one of my favourites for sure.

Iced-Teabag was the first thing that came to mind when I read the title.

Unfortunately, it may become our refusal to use them again, that becomes the ultimate display of human willpower.

Every right hand turn made me feel like a stroke was near.

And who is going to verify the exact contents of the water they dump? Tritium, strontium-90, plutonium, the list could be pretty extensive. It’s not like the sieve that has been made from the containment vessels is selective in what gets past.

Those are made from depleted uranium. 15lbs at least.

This is also a scene with some of the worst writing and acting I've seen in sometime. Anytime a character explains why they're crying, and it come across like they're a 5 year old, you know you're gonna have a bad time.

And Fukushima reportedly released iodine equivalent to 128 petabecquerels. Anyone care to convert and compare? My slide rule and abacus are out of gas.