Not to mention them being notorious for low quality
Not to mention them being notorious for low quality
sjw logic: its ok to change fictional characters race; sexuality and or gender as long as u dont change it to white, male and or straight
Disagree. Even the early 1.9L Z3 is a properly fun car to throw around. It’s a Miata, but with a taller 4th and 5th gear for more comfortable highway cruising and more legroom since it was designed by Germans instead of Japanese. Plus, it weighs about 400 lbs less than the M. In other words, it’s a daily driveable…
This is also why you don’t just use a hotel room and rent out a conference room - if you can fit in a suite you can damn well fit in a small conference room at a small hotel - the rates aren’t that bad.
You can already get a mid-engined 911, it’s called a Cayman.
Sounds like they’re trying to Switch it up.
Played probably 30 hours of BotW docked and undocked with the Joy-cons, pro controller, and with the joycon grip. Haven’t had any problems. people keep talking about how this is the worst console launch of all time and I think “damn, do people not remember the Xbox 360?”
The ROK is tiny. It’s effectively half a nation yet competes on the global scene and is a leader in various industries. Also, I highly doubt Mexico works more hours per capita than South Korea.
When i see games but then it says coming to iOS and android it just has a real dampening effect on me, even if it is a game i like the look of. Reminded me of when Streetfighter 2 came to amiga....yeah it looks ok but it is not the real thing
If I had to take a guess:
Many Korean esport pros aren’t allowed to have girlfriends and it’s written into a lot of their contracts.
“Keep Yourself Alive” is a song by Queen. It’s used in the commercial.
It’s not wrong, they just swapped the names around outside of Japan.
he is called Vega in Japan
I figured “Man Plays Diablo For 17 Hours On Camera” wasn’t as interesting a headline.
More Cayman than 911 I think. But yea, not bad.