The Real Kanra

They should have called it the Super 3DS. Naming opportunity missed.

She certainly didn't win (because she got the answer wrong)

Clarkson makes the show. Without him Top Gear is a lot closer to Fifth Gear. Imagine having to stare at Tiff's banana chiclet teeth every episode. I mean, Clarkson isn't exactly rockin the pearly whites, but holy shit. Could Tiff BE more British?

My buddies on my wall aren't fans of this.

Why would anyone pay a subscription to play a team based shooter? If anything it should just be buy to play like most pc games.

This book is so dull it hurts but if we all read just the first chapter we will never find our selves in this life threatening situation.

Yeah, I normally like Patricia's POV on stuff but the first half of this post really bugged because she condemns it on the most basic levels even with the disclaimer about kink, which she seems reluctant to understand and is only tossing it in out of obligation.

This is why I'm a proponent of "The Pace", and have put it into practice in car driving. The Pace is an important skill to learn, regardless of your mount.

Yeah, I really don't give a shit. No people were harmed in the making. Jerkin it to demon rape porn doesn't make anyone a rapist any more than playing Gran Tourismo makes me a racing driver.

And, boys and girls, that's why you don't treat public roads like your own race track. You want to race, take it to a track.

No problem with the rape content, but "gay stuff?! Ew!"

To be honest with you, I don't have a problem with this. While it isn't my kind of thing, a lot of research has shown that both men and women have these kind of 'rape fantasies', and this porn is obviously causing no one harm to produce.

I say they air the cancelled episodes with Hammond or May filling in for Clarkson's studio parts just to see how it goes. I'm getting bored with Clarkson's antics anyways. Maybe they should do a few episodes without him in at all just to see how it works.

everyone chased it and the one dude who stopped it was with his foot while sitting on his bike. lol

Hahahaha, I appreciate what you're getting at man, but —- like squids actually read? :D

Poor dog was petrified. Kudos to those bikers.

I always love a comment on a Gawker site that is both:

Wow, this is wasteful. You could have donated that PT Cruiser and made a less fortunate person's life a little bit shittier.