The Real Kanra

Anything that uses electricity has a carbon footprint. Duh.

Mmm, you should watch the Azerbaijan GP that just happened this past weekend. The racing was definitely not what you would call “automated”.

They said ATI not AGP.

  • ARs are generally used to hunt only varmint. Many states prohibit hunting of larger game (e.g. boar, deer, etc.) with 223/5.56 because it lacks sufficient stopping power. You’re not wrong, but it’s also important to not portray the AR-15 as an ubiquitous hunting rifle. #1 reason for AR-15 ownership is target shooting.

It is spelled incompetent not incompetant.

For the love of god don’t try to download MiniBin from the “Google Drive” link on that site.

That could be solved with a free-look button, just like in Far Cry 5.

Outside of hardcore military sims with custom controllers, you just can’t take that control scheme, stick it on an Xbox controller and expect it to work.

Mother’s was also the “exclusive” sponsor for the Australia GP...

Mind blown.

Is it a collaboration with Audi?

No, I don’t. I was only aware of it being prescribed during prohibition. If that’s the case, then yes, alcohol WAS a prescription drug at one point.

Not really. Marijuana is used as a real medical treatment for some people.

Japanese media is not Japanese real life

Just to be clear, current Virginia law restricts medical marijuana specifically to those suffering from epilepsy who have received a recommendation from a doctor and been approved by a judge.

In this instance, the medical marijuana was legal for the dude using it. Not a problem.

Medicinal marijuana is literally a prescription drug.

No, dogs have been bred by humans for various purposes including companionship and work. Many dogs were bred specifically as tools.

Pedantry: This is about assault weapons not assault rifles. Assault rifles are already NFA items. Assault weapons, per the Assault Weapons Ban of 1994, are rifles with two or more of the following:

Might as well compare it to a G.I. Joe.