The Real Kanra

I keep hearing that it’s “designed for arcade sticks” but HOW? Breaker could easily be played on an arcade stick with lock-on permanently enabled. Are the action inputs more complex (e.g. dragon punch to perform a specific attack rather than press X)?

The combat looks VERY similar to Breaker. I get that Versus is focused on team battles whereas Breaker is grinding through mobs and boss battles but the actual fighting seems to be the same.

This is semantic, but you literally fight enemies in an arena setting in Breaker. Yea, there are tons of beat-em-up sections similar to Dynasty Warriors games but the boss battles don’t seem significantly different than how Versus is a fighting game (unless you consider PvP a requirement).

The changing reticle and (presumably) range-dependent actions seems really neat.

I think the “combat” reference is to its appearance rather than control scheme. That’s how I read it anyway.

Ah, got it

The combat looks like somewhat of a mess, but nothing that can’t be overcome for fans of the series, mechs, or even just weird, zippy sound effects.

Don’t forget:


There’s a Duc dealer less than 20 mins from my home... I ride to the one that’s over an hour away. Sure, they’re a better shop but it’s also an excuse to ride more, which is never a bad thing.

Termis or no mufflers at all... Is there a difference?

Really? Are we in grade school? You’ve got to be kidding me.

I explicitly stated I am NOT making any such insinuation, suggestion, or anything to that effect...

Meh, I’ll try overcoming my excuses tomorrow. Not really feeling it today.

I never said or suggested that support from the USA somehow “negates” the ROK’s self-defense.

Saying the ROK has been defending itself for 60 years is disingenuous. Without the USA, the DPRK and ROK would have resumed combat long ago. Limitations were placed on ROK military capabilities specifically to keep them from launching an offensive without support from the USA. Sure, we haven’t had troops on the DMZ

Moon Jae-in is not the Prime Minister; he is the President.

It is immediately clear that this is one of the worst modern tragedies in U.S. Naval history, but it was no accident. It is likely the fault of human error, and people are responsible.

That is literally how babies behave.