The Real Kanra


They figured it out.

But suede is leather...

But ALF isn’t short for Alfred... O_o

But we have to remember that CoD did what was seemingly impossible and made WW2 shooters seem interesting again (no small feat, even 10+ years ago.) It single-handedly carried that genre for several more years past it’s sell by date, and simultaneously introduced us to a whole new style of action game.

But the original Call of Duty put Medal of Honor to shame by featuring shootable cow corpses. The sequel didn’t offer anything as ground-breaking.

We’d be obligated to help out regardless due to the mutual defense treaty. Why pack up and move out just to move back in later?

try and explain why the clothes on your giant Chun-Li statue looks like someone tried to take them off and then hastily put them back on

How exactly is a rainbow made? How exactly does a sun set? How exactly does a posi-trac rear-end on a Plymouth work? It just does.

Omigod they better re-release in 1:6 scale.

OK it is multiplay so I guess it is harder than I think

How is that pervy though? If it were creepshots, sure, but this is just normal footage for a marketing/PR clip. The music is whatever; I didn’t even recognize it.

Crush them up and snort them?

Uh, she has the (fully collapsed) buttstock positioned properly and has a good cheek weld. The forward grip is a bit off but this is a cardboard model after all. It’s really not bad at all; I’ve seen much worse at the shooting range from American male enthusiasts with real firearms.

Yo, you need to either dust more often or get some enclosed display cabinets.

It doesn’t seem so much like perversion as it does pandering.

IF that explanation is real... holy crap that’s amazing.