The Real Kanra

It’s surprising they didn’t just name the game Quake. >_>

Except for that time he ostensibly quit smoking weed.

God dammit the 90's were great.

Huh, TIL. My 1.8T A4 was a 2005, so the settlement was already over and none of my Audi buddies with 1.8Ts encountered timing belt issues. Guess they just got lucky, lol.

I’m pretty sure you’re thinking of the 4.2L V8s, which were notorious for timing belt issues. The 1.8L I4s were fine.

Don’t forget the miserable 3D art style.

Because she’s a high school student.

Yes, had they been using two-stroke engines, the fuel tank never would have separated and ruptured upon impact by another vehicle moving at speed. Four-stroke engines are definitely the problem. >_>

If you’re one of the approximately 17 people who hasn’t seen the new Top Gear yet ...

They manually rolled one of the Reliant Robins (presumably as a reference).

Now playing

Maybe not but it has Raúl Juliá as M. Bison delivering a fantastic line.

Even if it came from a raunchy source, this screenshot is priceless.

Yup, making something look good is not the same as making it look accurate.

If anything, this guy did a hit-and-run perfectly. He hit another vehicle then ran away instead of driving off.

This. Ben’s 100 is the only thing that can keep away those massive Maine Horse Flies.

This. Ben’s 100 is the only thing that can keep away those massive Maine Horse Flies.

It’s the only bug spray I know that can eat through nylon bags if the bottle leaks. That’s how you know it’s good. That and the DEET.

It’s the only bug spray I know that can eat through nylon bags if the bottle leaks. That’s how you know it’s good.

So, is it called Peacock Paddock because of NBC or that the people there are peacocking?

MiniDisc: combining the best aspects of floppy disks and compact discs into a tiny form factor to deliver hifi audio at a premium price. So cool.

I just added a second Titan X this month. -_-;;

That comparison isn’t really fair. At least the child consents to the marriage whereas victims of a shooting-spree don’t consent to their deaths; in both cases the player is an adult making the decision to act.