That precisely what I’m explaining to you; capital gains are taxed as income, hence why they are reported on income tax returns... O_o
That’s partially accurate; capital gains are taxed differently based on the duration of investment (i.e. short-term vs. long-term) and the taxpayer’s bracket, which is affected by capital gains such that they modify one’s total income and thus taxable income. For example, short-term capital gains are not taxed any…
Regardless of the duration, all capital gains are taxed as income, which you stated is not the case. Obviously there are distinctions between short-term and long-term, but that’s irrelevant to your comment. O_o
You’re incorrect; capital gains are considered a form of income for federal tax returns and most state tax returns. Capital gains are reported on Line 13 in the Income section of Form 1040 and used to calculate one’s total income on Line 22.
If it is raining outside, I will wear my rain coat/boots and bring an umbrella.
If it is not raining but is windy outside, I will only wear my windbreaker.
Otherwise, I will not wear a coat at all.
He takes other forms of compensation (e.g. stock options) in lieu of a large salary. It’s not like he literally makes only $37k a year off Tesla...
I’m pretty sure all capital gains are considered income on both federal and state tax returns...
That might not be a bad idea... You’d definitely be the first person on your block with one!
You’re a whole year early to that discussion. It’s coming out sometime in 2016.
That’s some pretty bouncy intriguing boobs plot right there.
Arise is a reboot, so you could start with either it or Ghost in the Shell / Ghost in the Shell 2.0.
Netflix has exclusive rights to stream Knights of Sidonia in the USA.
Gisele will return in the eighth film as an antagonist with amnesia. Han will also return but as a neutral character. He won’t have amnesia and will help Gisele regain her lost memories so they can go back to dating and racing cars/motorcycles. The film will take place in Korea and be called Speed Seoul.
Wut? They had a whole scene dedicated to the fact that his teacher didn’t speak English. The antagonist’s crony spoke almost exclusively in Japanese aside from when he was insulting or taunting the main character in broken English. Aside from Neela, Han, and D.K., almost none of the Japanese characters spoke English…
Itagaki is a polygamist; all the girls in DOA are his waifus.
Blades need replacement no matter what model you choose, especially considering the Ominus doesn’t have any guards. There’s a reason why these kits always include spare propellers! Likewise, motors burn out, especially brushed motors, which I assume the Ominus uses.
Uh, isn’t that kind of behavior considered awkward? o_O
Oh wow, Jazz Jackrabbit was easily one of the best demos I ever got with one of those old PC gaming magazines. Good times.