Kaizer Soze

Someone else said it much better than I.

I think this is more an issue of the lack of widespread adoption in the states.


By my math? 14 months, 17 days and 9 minutes.


Spark plug engineer, here. I’ll just make a few points.

“Copper” plugs actually have a nickel center electrode. The copper is contained entirely inside the plug where you can’t see it. This copper exists in all the spark plugs worth buying.

Damn if that ain’t slick as a rat with a gold tooth.

Actually, all parts are easily available. Saab Parts was the only part of the company that survived bankruptcy intact.

I found a turtle today

Just goes to show that GM is truly innovative - they’ve had vibrating trim panels years before everyone else.

Agreed. I never found Doug’s schtick to be even remotely funny or even interesting. I obviously was in the minority.

Doug is full of crap, stop watching his videos.

Silver, grey, beige, white, and black are usually the worst and most boring cars. Once you realize how many cars are 50 shades of grey, you really appreciate the people who go outside the box and get an actual color.

This is a horrible take. One of the worst ever posted here. Orange and purple are the best colors for a car.

Well, you’re wrong.

On the subject of headlights: did you know that on most cars, there’s a little tab you can flip on the bottom of your center mirror that will make it darker, to prevent you from getting blinded by vehicles behind you at night? I’m saying this not because I think you’re all stupid, but because I honestly didn’t know

You know you want these Saab 9000 Aero seats. Buckety, comfy, and durable; mine are approaching 244k miles, and though there’s cracks and scuffs, they’re still infinitely comfy for 10+ hours straight.

Any Lamborghini in racing is an abomination.

What’s ridiculous is that these are non-governmental forces doing what should be a government job; capturing bail jumpers. Maybe that’s something we should not let the free market take care of.

Regardless, sending yahoos with guns and no legal authority to capture fugitive for money sounds like and recipe for disaster, coincidentally.