Why dont the morons just make heroin vending machines for the worthless, suicidal, ignorant pieces of human excrement?
Why dont the morons just make heroin vending machines for the worthless, suicidal, ignorant pieces of human excrement?
Nothing says ‘let me enable drug users’ quite like giving them free needles.
But... they are not really interesting, they’re just different in a generic way and the constant need to swap them closely circles being the opposite of fun. I find myself constantly using the crappiest weapon at my disposal and saving the good ones for big fights. It’s not a mechanic I particularly appreciate, but…
This was my user experience today... initially wondering why someone commented on a post with a random Zelda patch comment.
If you’re going to stick with this format, is it bossible to put some sort of distinguishable break between articles so that, when there is no big picture or headline, it doesn’t look so bad?
I think most of these “trolls” want to hear reasoning or at least challenge individuals on their views instead of being told to shut up. The best way to fight trolls you’re thinking of is to give rational civil responses instead of becoming a self fulfilling prophecy.
Beating the same fucking dead horse again I see. “You are entitled to your own opinion, as long as it doesn’t disagree with mine”. ~Laserface1242
This isn’t your safe space, nor is it your echo chamber. These games, and you specifically, are just two examples of the many, MANY things wrong with modern liberalism.
Please remember that not everyone making a critical remark is a troll.
seriously... Stop defending illegal immigration. It’s illegal. It shouldnt be tolerated at all. No matter what. The only ones I feel should be allowed to stay at this point are ones who have established families where they have kids that are citizens. Those ones should be safe because your legal system took too…
Jango’s dismissing replies he doesn’t like, so I thought I’d leave my response to him here:
Jango said:
I agree, but if everybody starts to get tons of shit everytime they say something controversial, we are going to end up in a society where nobody says what they are thinking, where there is only one way to think.
In a game this good, it was a little disappointing to play an Assassin’s Creed mission. However, I personally didn’t find this very difficult, and it was actually kind of thrilling to try to keep an eye on his small frame in the tall grass and low frame-rate.
Dear Public,
It was a clever strategy Cotton, but looks like it didn’t pull off.
Are you assuming his race and gender?
Ben Carson used to confuse the fuck out of me. Then I saw ‘Get Out’, and NOW he makes sense.
I don’t know, I find rapists and murderers pretty bad myself.
The difference is: being funny.
That’s just journalist Clark Kent. Is he some kind of hero? I’ve never thought his Planet stuff was particularly heroic, so unless he has some kind of secret identity that nobody has told me about, I don’t see what you are getting at.
Please, let's not call this "rape." I'm sure that birth can sometimes be traumatic, but calling it "rape" does a real disservice to survivors.