
Probably terrible but I have to say Auction Block. For a less offensive one probably loco gangsters.

Youre the reason why people who have never touched a gun should stay out of the debate.

At some point Shenron has got to be sick of their shit.

Gary Busey would be awesome.

Isnt Hannity the one Fox news host who actually criticizes Trump though. Pretty sure its Tucker Carlson that wants the gig.

Yeah and I stopped watching after the WCW invasion and now its just comical.

Pretty sure Austin got away with fucking them up in the Attitude Era.

Half way through season 3.

Once had someone me leave me their number. Kind of wish I had kept it at the time.

So when will a good guy with a gun defend us from the lunatic.

SJW’s who dont know how to deal with shit.

“perhaps in ways that Nintendo never intended” Pretty sure this game is an example of things never intended.

One happy meal a every few months isnt going to make your kid fat. The issue isn’t the happy meal its the morons who bring there kids there daily or weekly. Seriously its not McCdonalds faults its just poor parenting.

Wait what!?!

“it is better he took himself out, rather than killing two innocent persons”

Holy shit you are 50 shades of bat shit crazy. Glad you are not my mother.

Because white people cant jump.

It gave me a Timesplitters vibe. Also it would be great to be out of the Grays again. Wink Wink

Youre a moron.

Sorry but theres no physical exertion while playing video games. Seriously you’re fucking retarded.