
Thats not even close to what I said.

These types of comments are still a thing?

Its a job that pays.

When you work retail expect to work holidays.

Not his fault, someone put a wall in his way.

No one ever said liberals were smart.

Its the iSmuggle.

He’s still a loser so that hasnt changed.

You were the only one who turned it into a superiority thing.

Theres no reason for a watch to be that much.

But that hair.

People are still saying these characters have butterfaces but yet they look pretty good IMO.

The facial animations kind of frighten me.

So why am I in the greys here?

Oh dear god no.

Played a little bit of this last night but when trying to do combos it felt there was a delay. Anyone else have that issue?

I have no idea what that is suppose to imply.

“Microsoft recommends users upgrade to Windows 10" Conspiracy theory - Microsoft actually released the ransomware to fool people into buying windows 10.

I honestly can’t think of where else I heard his voice from.

Years of people screaming over xbox live have basically made me say nope, no more listening to trash talk.