Future Ghost

He HAS brought it up, just last season in "The Gang Tries Desperately to Win an Award". While in the process of rehearsing their bartender interplay, Dennis riffs on Mac that he wouldn't know what an orgasm was, at which point Mac erupts with rage and starts screaming about how he's had plenty of them, including

I felt the utter zeal with which Maki pursued his investigation in 'Urinal Deuce' easily made it worthwhile.

For all we know the cagey bastard bought in early on Michaelsoft stock and is sitting on a pile of millions.

If you liked this (and you know you did), you should really check out 'Black Robe'.

I still love "Someday, I think you and I are going to have a serious disagreement", as, if used correctly (which, suffice it to say, Day-Lewis most definitely did), it carries the perfect blend of menace and plausible deniability.

Ok, fine, but what about owners of pro basketball teams who exploit their fame to make shitty music? I'm concerned about the fate of JD & The Straight Shot here….

You mean as opposed to Eastwood's Hollywood valor and heroism?

Yeah, exactly—Riefenstahl was an innovative and highly respected filmmaker as well. There's no reason that the portrayal of a confirmed fabulist and self-proclaimed mass slayer of petty thieves need be done poorly.

Axl sounds like Pavarotti compared to Tim Kinsella.

Is Duplass in _everything_ now? I just don't get it; he's not a good actor, he's not funny, every time he appears on screen he seems to function as an albatross about the neck of whatever production he's in. The only category where he appears to be above-average is the punchability of his face, which is admittedly

You never know, maybe they'll devise a cologne-resistant duster and take the area by storm…

That's ok, Mac and Charlie are planning on opening a leather shop in Arizona, so I'm sure they can hook him up with some new duds when he gets there.

It can just as easily indicate a kidney stone, believe me. And if you think there's blood now, just wait until after the ureteroscopy.

Frankly, even that last Rambo was fucking awesome. Didn't he open up on a dude w/ a mounted .50 at point-blank range? I remember being genuinely stunned at the level of graphic violence, which seemed impossible in this age. III was also massively underrated—where else are you going to see a T-72 and a Hind gunship in

I'm going to play "Mother Whale Eyeless" four or five times over my lunch break, as a coping strategy.

Eau Claire, Superior, Chippewa Falls and Wausau say to buy a new map, FIB. :-P Even Ashland is bigger than Rhinelander.

Have to agree; I grew up in Douglas and Burnett counties (and my uncle was an assistant district attorney in Oneida county for years) and had literally never heard of the Hodag until now.

What about Ellsworth's demise? To me, Flora and Miles' death is squarely in a league with that of Aunt Lou's son (I forget his name at the moment): grifters (even if somewhat young) who toyed with humorless people and reaped the consequences. Yes, their ends were horrific, but Flora, Miles and the Marchbanks guy all

My original 60gb model PS3 finally bit the dust a few months ago after a long and reliable career, and I've been limping along with my laptop ever since (640M, basically the Toyota Tercel of GPUs). I'm finally—finally!—taking the plunge on a PS4 tomorrow, and I have to say I'm pretty psyched. I didn't get into GTA V

My favorite will always be Mononoke, but Nausicaa is easily his most underrated.