
Oh, so you have met him too? I have on a few occasions and he is one of the craziest people I have ever met. The conspiracy theories I have heard him spout would make some kick ass science fiction movies. The shit that lives in that man’s head scares the crap out of me. Thinking he got Covid from a mask he handled

So we dated the same guy then?

Agreed. Just with the very small amount she needed in each of those states, it may have worked to get out a few more voters who didn’t show up. I doubt it would have changed too many voters minds who voted. 

Right? I’d say Michelle’s speech for Hillary was inspiring. Lots of right leaning centrists are not fans of hers though, so it helped, how much?  (Yes, Hil should have been in the rust belt far more, and this would have probably gotten her the votes she needed, but maybe having a few never trumpers there would have

I hope you are correct. My biggest concern is that if they aren’t watching the right news channels, that they will never see this.

Just now → I introduced the Protect America’s Statues Act to cut funding from cities and states that refuse to restore order.”

I seem to remember this actually happening in 1985. We didn't call it cancel culture back then, and I'm sure at send point we will cancel cancel culture and call it something else. 

Agreed. First time in a long time that I don’t want to barf at something he said.

I just realized why non violent felons, like me, can’t own a gun. It’s part of the plan to make sure Black people, and now probably all people of color, can’t own a gun. If prisons were created after slavery to keep Black people enslaved, and a loss of voters rights once you have been to jail, ensures they can’t vote

He doesn’t seem to be running on this platform again.   Strange?

Came here to say the same. Bubba didn’t find it or report it. What should he apologize for? Being Black?

Right?!?!  She says she is t going to rat him out. If I was the prosecutor, there would be no deal without that info. It’s him or you sister. 

I want to know what the “President of the United States Flag is.  Is this the job you give someone to shut them up?  Like back in the day, the kid that got to clean the erasers?  

Congrats!  Been stuck here for over 7 years. Maybe that means I only have three more to go. 

Agreed. There is a giant cross not that far from my home. Every time I drive by it I complain that it is an eyesore. It’s on private property, but the airspace it takes up must come in the public domain.

Can he actually wear one without a chin?

If you want to warn everyone that you are a racist by paying for ugly statues, have at it. Just don’t force me to pay for them or like them.  

Trumpgate part 2. Dumb ass boogaloo. 

I’m sure she has someone that is in charge of her SM. I don’t care. I love that he we owned by her. He prob thinks she tweets like he does, and it rages him even more. 

What you said is what I say all of the time to people I know that want people to use bathrooms that the were “born” to use. (Yes, I also ask where intersex people are supposed to go then?) Anyone can walk into any bathroom. I’ve used the guys in a pinch, I’m sure many women have. If someone wants to do something bad