
I would like to thank you and elviracat for this thread.  It has made my day amazing!

Stomach virus at 8 months pregnant with my daughter. She was 8.6 at birth a month later. (Eating some of her 18th birthday cake right now) Puking with a whole human inside of you makes you wish were a dude.  

It sounds like John Barron is the source...….

This would make me happy. However, Cornyn is much better liked then Cruz. Not sure if he would win, but man it would be great if he did.

This quote never fails. 

This is the reason for Sears issues, and was Toys R Us demise. So many companies have this issue. Purchased, and raided for their real estate, value, etc. I known this won’t get solved anytime soon with you know who in the White House. 

Dang it. I wish I would have read this sooner. I was just on the phone with my friend who’s mom is in the KY legislature. She is a Catholic though, so hopefully she is already on board.

Is it just me, or do Donnie’s tweets seem random today? No witch Hunt or funny names for people. Throw in a fake pols and arabic, makes for a truly odd Twitter day for the nation’s toddler. 

Was thinking the same thing. Can’t imagine the views of fox like this thought. However, they are prob not smart enough to connect those dots. 

Agreed. As a proud former slut myself, paid sex workers, other sluts, even gold diggers are fine by me. Asshole bigoted gold diggers, sluts, et all don’t get a pass just because they are sluts, etc.

Did he really just quote the Handmaid’s Tale ad from the Super Bowl?

Just one of his many lies tonight.

A friend or a friend told me that gay marriage was wrong because the only reason for marriage is procreation. Oddly enough, he and his wife were married when each was close to 50 and she had a hysterectomy. So their marriage I guess was wrong in Gos’s eyes too?

Thank you. I just finished working on my taxes and really needed that. 

I like the “I alone can fix this problem”. I think he may be finding out that he alone can’t do ahit. Well, probably not, since he never realizes shit. 

As someone who was incarcerated over the holidays, I can say this is bull shit.

That’s amazing and horrible all at the same time. It’s like they want us to be fat. We try to be better at the beginning of the year, a fresh start, a new beginning. Then WAM! Out of nowhere, or in this case on an app, they put these amazing cookies in your path. Why don’t they sell them in April when I’ve had three

Agreed, she did more than most. That’s where I stop agreeing with you though.

How about we make it 2019 instead?

Same!  I never miss having a period.