
That's not very Christian of you.

Whatever bro.

Entitled an apology by someone who's not even responsible? That makes no sense.

I kind of find it sad that you'd feel guilty simply because of your race.

The White Guilt is strong in this one.

I'll consider having one at some point in my life. :)

You're probably right. I've never owned a pet. But it sounds fun to have company at all times, and take a break from humans.

Everyone can be a bro, bro.

Oh, ok then. :)

Thanks... I think?

I don't own pets of any species. I just said something unnecessary and irrelevant to the article. Sorry about that.

Soooo is there something wrong with a 14 cm dick???


N-nothing! Sorry!

K. Cool article bro.

Okay, so we should care about basic human rights because of the money. If human rights are not profitable, then don't bother. I think I got the message.

I got a cellphone when I was 12 5 years ago...

I'm the guy who told Tiger Woods he cheated with that blonde skank. I thought that if I fuck his marriage up it will cause a crack and then it will have some sort of collapse and lose his A-game and fall back and all that so we white people can finally get to have our golf back.

Annoying in what sense? Just curious.

Not even a thanks? After all, according to you someone hacked your profile... which sounds very plausible indeed.