I hope. He sure seems to have worked hard for good causes all these years.
I hope. He sure seems to have worked hard for good causes all these years.
To Americans: You will never be ignored again. Your voice, your hopes and your dreams will define our American destiny. Your courage and goodness and love will forever guide us along the way. Together we will make America strong again. We will make America wealthy again. We will make America proud again. We will…
Music is judged solely by the intentions and words of the human hearts that create and perform said music. As with all human beings’ actions, there are three kinds: those that love on purpose, those that are not trying to harm, and those that harm on purpose.
Thank you for your kindness.
It’s my pleasure and honor to serve you in this small way. It brings me true joy.
You claim to be “open to the criticism for [your] actions”, yet you can’t cop to my point: we must leave our minds open to what Mr. Harvey does in the future, instead of prejudicing him for his past failures, some of which were very recent.
I love that man, Ricky Williams — he is a true out-of-the-box thinker who truly wants to help people.
(Strange, my first reply isn’t showing up, except in my feed.)
No one changes until they do, it doesn’t help when we assume they won’t.
MLK sat down with Bull Connor, and during one of the meetings, Connor took a phone call, and after learning that it was the man’s anniversary, MLK told him he could go home and have a peaceful night with his wife because MLK would ensure that no strife occurred that night and that they could resume their parley in the…
Exactly how am I confused about history, I’m always willing to learn.
I’m sorry for missing the part about you saying that you hope that SH gets money for his charity.
Ignorance is being unwilling to seek and accept the truth, first and foremost about oneself.
You’re not really trying to compare Harvey to MLK?
So he’s either perfectly good or perfectly bad?
You are making negative assumptions about both:
I love you.
Read for comprehension: I said nothing about following SH’s advice.
So MLK meeting with Bull Connor “implied at least some level of acceptance”?
Strange that you don’t answer my questions about MLK and Ali.