
So...why is it regrettable Tesla has such high sourcing from the US?

This site is such political bullshit anymore. Using the term “regret to report” on anything vaguely positive about Tesla? If being American built is somehow a harbinger of quality?

God forbid the people buying these cars get any sort of financial break, you absolute loser.

Unions exert a negative impact on economic efficiency. Unions are cartels of the Democratic Party. 

He wasn’t tested for DUI until 48 hours after so he’s already gotten away with that. 

Yes, and one building in Wilmington is the home of 300,000 corporations but that doesn’t mean shit, does it?

Yeah, pretty much no one uses that definition to determine where a company is based.

A slide show? Seriously?

I was thinking more about the engine and transmission and other ICE specific components.

Welp, my theory is this: lift off oversteer is the likely cause of the initial spin, and I can almost guarantee that the driver was sawing the wheel every which way trying to figure out how to turn into the skid. As the car started to straighten out (but was still rotating), the driver sawed the wheel around some

Now playing

He was far enough ahead of the Honda that I’m guessing he fully lifted off of the throttle right before he (poorly) cut left. Engage Pendulum.

You lost your Porsche to a Civic with a mismatched front fender. You have failed in every way.

Along with literally everything else?

I never expected such a response to my post but please permit me to make a few additional points.

Just go after them with full maritime law then. I assume fire suppression, crew training, emergency measures, etc. are not up to snuff.

So, first of all this “boat” definitely has all of the physical requirements laid out by the USCG. If it didn’t, I doubt they’d actually be able to sell it as a boat. And there is a definite lack of “crew training and emergency measures” for private boats that are only 75' in length.

A lot of those maritime codes only apply to vessels that displace a certain tonnage. Just looking  at its size, I’m willing to bet it is well-under the requirements for owner-operated vessels or pleasure craft that don’t require any crew or more than the most rudimentary emergency equipment. 

If it’s already registered with the Coast Guard, I’m assuming that it meets all CG requirements for a vessel of it’s type.

Rig a sail. It’s now a boat again. 

So I double checked - Florida DOES tax boats at 6% of the value.  But Florida changed the law to cap the tax bills for boats to $18,000.  So the owner instead of paying 6% of $3.3 million, would be capped at $18,000.  So nearly a 90% discount versus a home...