Bill McNeal

Heretic!  (and no, not the Doom-version!)

Typical, insulated man-children. Afraid of the world, but feel they deserve to own it.

You’re right, we need to refer to these people as what they really are: pedophiles, rapists and nazis. I’m so glad we’re on the same page about this!

Good for them. There’s a Pathfinder Kingmaker mod hosted there that I always rolled my eyes at - one of the main companions is a paladin who happens to be black. The mod replaced her portrait with a white woman and I think changed her character model’s colour as well. I was at least heartened to see a lot of comments

I never have to wonder why I have zero right-wing friends in my circle. It’s demonstrated to me every day by people like these losers.

There were a handful of great reactionary mods that added MORE pronouns to the game. I liked that, and had a chuckle.

Imagine being such an asshole that you need to a mod to remove a choice for you and only you that you weren’t going to make anyway just to make yourself feel better. 

No healthy POKE go BROKE!

Solid joke and I’m sorry for stepping on it, but honest I only know her from Joey.

There were a lot of actors who fell into this “I’m not going to get vaxxed so I can’t work pool” and the reality is that some handled it with grace and humility and are back to work now and others burned all their bridges. 

OnlyFans of The Sopranos know who she is. 

“I hope you’re never in the fucking position I’m in.”

That position being, refusing to protect yourself and others from a deadly pandemic, at the expense of your career, and then acting like YOU’RE the victim?

Thankfully, I will never be in the fucking position you’re in.

I’m no expert but it’s sound like insider trading. 

Reminder that this is the guy who worked at EA during their worst decade, and famously said that he wanted to charge Battlefield players real money for more ammo while they’re playing because they won’t care if they’re in the heat of the moment.

Remember folks, it's only a crime if you're poor.   Otherwise, this is just smart investment/Capitalism.  

It’s been a while since I’ve seen the Kotaku fish.

Nintendo just has a way of making me smile.

The talking flower is cool. The voice kind of threw me though. Just weird hearing a voice like that in a Mario game - with the few voices they have had, it stands out.

Absolutely gorgeous looking game, looks inspired and fresh, like the developers really had some fun with this one. Can’t wait to get this.

All I could think watching all that crazy shit happen was that the next Mario Maker is gonna be amazing. 

GTFO, it looks fantastic. 2D games can be just as amazing (if not moreso, in some cases) than 3D games.