Bill McNeal

I was showing a friend the game when I was in Stormveil and explaining the rune thing on one of my many runes back and he pointed out the math was wrong on what I lost vs what I picked back up. We paid attention to it and sure enough I’d die with like 1500 and pick back up around 1200 or so. I thought my game was

Yeah, they’re still being very greedy, though. They should have made a compilation for $15 instead of doing them individually. Particularly since it’s just a straight and bad port. Understandable if you’re going to give a deal to compensate and encourage.

The same people who told others to git gud is complaining about weapons? What happened to their hardcore gamer mentality? 

Yeah the amount of gatekeeping and opinions on the “wrong way” to play this game really gets on my nerves. Apperently if you use co-op or ashes you aren’t really playing the game and need to “get gud”.  To me that is like someone saying “You aren’t good at Mario unless you beat it without jumping”.  It’s a game

When I eventually get the game, I guess I’ll play it like I did Dark Souls: disconnected from the internet. FromSoft’s online features only seem enjoyable if you’re a griefer asshole.

I LOVE this weapon but it doesn’t get nearly as much attention m8 (not that I’m complaining...)

Gamers: Souls Games are perfect, immaculate art. Immutable in their original design and intent. An expression of artistic creativity so pure and unique that I will react as though my family dog is being murdered in front of me every time a games journalist suggests even the slightest possibility that anything about

If they’re mad about Moonveil wait until they meet someone with Wing of Astel. 

The Bloodbourne community was (is?) notorious for this. Any criticism, legitimate or not, was met with vitriolic spam and moronic shrieks attacking player skill. The way Elden Ring is being discussed right now, I get the feeling we’re going to see a rehash of that situation again.

The FromSoft community is filled with tryhards and gatekeepers. I’ve been invaded by twinked out characters with rivers of blood (a relatively end-game weapon) at level 40 before I had even beaten the first major legacy dungeon boss.

FromSoft encourages and nourishes the most toxic people in gaming, and they love them

Invaded at RL1 by the Church of Elleh and managed to intercept a Moonveil being dropped for a new player!

It’s absolutely demented. I came away with a very positive impression of the game, and this dude thinks that it’s some kind of hit piece, even though he agrees with the description!

What the actual fuck? I ask that of every nutter who starred your comment also. What the actual fuck people?

*opens wallet*

Polyphony doesn’t get it, not every game needs to be a cursed live service piece of trash designed to the hilt to extract maximum cash from the players rather than being fun. This TOXIC rent seeking mentality needs to die in a fire, ideally nuclear explosion fueled so it can never come back.

As the years pass, it becomes obvious that we shouldn’t buy games during their launch week, or even month... months? “Not pre-ordering" isn’t enough.

Why Polyphony waited until after launch to make these adjustments remains a mystery.”

Forza is awesome. It celebrates cars rather than worshipping them, like GT series. Constantly rewards the player rather than frustrates. Showers you with bonus cars and more ingame currency than you know what to do with. In other words...Forza gives you all the cars, tracks, customizing,  graphics of GT but actually

But how else can they prevent you from playing the game once they shut down the servers in a few years? If you could just keep playing old games, you might decide to do that instead of buying the new one when it comes out!

When have the cheapest thing you can buy in this game, go karts, been $10,000?