Bill McNeal

Peanut butter and (dill) pickles. Yes, you read that correctly. No, it’s actually damn tasty.

At least Marvel Heroes was diverting and Ultimate Alliance was good at one point.

He’s perfectly content just chilling and minding his own business for the time being. Right next to Kenneth Hale and Lenn one of the dudes from The Wrecking Crew

Riot “investigators” conclude that Riot did nothing wrong.

...I think I’m going to go have a can of sardines now.

Haha! Classy. I’m sure some do, but working for Target (in the toys department), 99% of the buyers are “collectors”. One guy comes in and buys them all. Or hides them under the basedecks. Or behind other things in the store. Or simply steals them.

Perfectly balanced

🤨, really? It’s very specific and just old enough to not be commonly used anymore.

“Don’t worry, we’ll let you pay this off for as long as it takes”

That’s because when she opened it she let it loose, and now it’s free upon this world now. Thanks.

Shovel Knight in Animal Crossing!

Say it ain't so!

I work at Target and see this stupid shit on an almost daily basis. It really kind of kills me inside when a young kid comes up and asks where we keep the Pokemon cards :\

Don’t worry, the Whopper has an almost nuclear shelf life ;)

A trans male cyborg 🤔

It’s sad that we have to report she died on the way back to her home planet 😥.

They were too busy looking at something else or nonchalantly pointing towards certain individuals 

Lol, I'm just goofing around. I saw the list and nodded my head appreciatively for the handful I recognized. 

All of them dealing with how great and benevolent Xi Jinping is.

Three words: No More Tears