Hot. Fucking. Garbage.
It would also be helpful if the TRUTH were told pertaining to women and men of color who espoused and evidenced greatness. Why is it that the world did not know about the women who sent the men to the moon until 2016 when it happened 50 years ago? Why wasnt it told to the world that GPS is due to a woman of color?
“Also, to those parents: it’s not up to others to be your kids’ parents for you. I’m continually baffled at parents who act like they have no control over what their kids are watching/doing/playing/eating/whatever in their house. If that’s so, then *you* are the problem, not Cardi B.”
I love graphs! love it, love it. loooove it. But, never trust any graph unless it says how big the sample study is, and if it is taking its figures from numbers, or percent. Case in point, in this out of all cheating partners 20% men, 13% woman; that’s a total of 33%, where is the other 67%? % Gotta equal 100.
President Trump’s favorite rock star, Ted Nugent, adopted a young girl so he could take her on the road and rape her. He has a song called Wang Tang Sweet Poontang. And he shit himself repeatedly for 2 weeks to dodge the draft.
But sure, we’ll believe conservatives are offended by a couple of Black women singing about…
Oh, they knew.
Listen to some of the old female ragtime songs...those can blow anything out of the water today based on raunchy
Cardi is a married woman with one child (that she had while married, btw) so I’m not sure what that’s got to do with anything.
Man, wait til you hear about Miley Cyrus’s first album post-Hannah Montana. Or Ariana Grande. Or like, all popular music of the last.... 50 years? 60? Popular music has pretty much always been about sex. Or maybe there’s actual social inequities that result in cyclical poverty for a particular demographic.
It is my observation that anything many conservatives claims to be against is something they are secretly doing behind closed doors.
Totally. I definitely fall outside the audience of this song, and no, I don’t have a different opinion when guys do similar things in songs. But I’m not against it. It’s just not for me — nor does it need to be.
You could also restrict their screentime. I am a huge proponent of talking to my kids about, well anything if they approach me respectfully and with genuine curiosity. But I can also be lazy, so if I can avoid discussing self lubrication of female genitals to my daughters until they’re at least teenagers, I will.
I don’t know why I’m responding. The “institute” you sourced has repeatedly authored studies that have poor methodology, which means the very process of which they conducted a study were objectively bad. The article I referenced had a sample population of 2. Even sophomore Sociology students know better than to…
Respect. You are on. top. of. that. shit. Was just about to post that.
They don’t like sex with the men who complain about WAP, which is probably a big part of the complaining men’s problem. No Ps are WA around Ben Shapiro.
Or, if you do have a problem with your children seeing it, maybe do something crazy like...have a conversation with them instead of yelling at anyone who will listen online.
As someone who doesn’t listen to Cardi B, isn’t unabashedly celebrating female sexuality like her entire musical shtick? I’m pretty sure she didn’t just spring this shit on people in the middle of some super pure Christian pop album. Is it really that hard to just say, “This isn’t for me,” and move on with your life?
Stacey Adams is a shoe. I think you mean Stacey Abrams.