
I suspect some people like myself just have a soft spot for them. I've seen most reputable horror movies, read every King book, and while I love the genre, the only films that actually leave me frightened are a few found footage movies.

I always crack up at Claudette completely snapping on Dutch toward the end of "Possible Kill Screen":

One detail I liked on my latest rewatch was Dutch just simply calling Billings an asshole after Billings calls him out about Tina. Just such a genuine moment.

I wouldn't call it a satire, but the tone is definitely lighter. And much more enjoyable, IMO.


I've seen Ghostbusters maybe 300 times and I have no idea what you're talking about.

95% sure it's ECKO and the logo is a rhino

Thought season four was the best season by a long stretch (the reviewer mentioned season two…really? I wouldn't watch that season again if I was paid by the hour), but as much as I loved this season, I didn't like this episode much at all.
The fight with the skeletons looked corny as hell, Leaf and the Raven were both

Damn, could not have said it better! All downhill after episode 5, leading straight into a by-the-numbers finale with a million lose ends, all of which were more intriguing than what we actually saw.

Most of the stuff you said was on point, but I've sat down to watch Rocky many times, and will watch it many more times in my life.

Damn, this is a brain buster!

Is it a running joke with Sutter to find the lamest, sappiest music for the painfully slow opening montages every week? Shit is unbearable

This weeks episode starts slowly…

"But you love a show that, for the better part of eight seasons, has used
voiceovers and ghost dads to call your attention to things you’re
currently looking at with your eyes. So you’ll forgive me for thinking
redundancy is your thing, won’t you?"