
Just looking like Starship Troopers isn't enough for me! (Mostly because I'm not a big fan of tower defense games.) I need Neil Patrick Harris to be a deployable weapon! He'd be super-effective against ground-based enemies, unicorns, and hungry potheads. That would be LEGEND...wait for it...

@tshack: Holy FINISHED Jericho?!! Did you lose a bet? Or do you just hate yourself that much? Nothing's worth that, tshack, things are gonna pick up! ;) I could barely make it through the demo before I knew I was severely disappointed, and it's actually the game where I realized demos are totally necessary

I'd be interested to know if they've considered what TYPES of games a person associates the 4 gamer archetypes to, and if it changes according to genre. For instance, I am definitely low-ego/high-task when it comes to most games, but fighting games make me very high-ego/high-task. If you're not playing a fighting game

Man, I had no desire to play this (nor did I play the first one) because it seemed like a clone of GTA, and I don't even like GTA much less a watered down ripoff of it. But these trailers they've been coming out with highlighting the different factions have me intrigued. They also have me wanting to play with any

I disliked the original Dead Rising so much the Wii version is actually sounding really good to me. I hated the constant backtracking, being made to play through it more than once to even get to an ENDING, and the fact it was an entire game of ESCORT MISSIONS (easily the most hated type of mission in any game every

In Indigo Prophecy, there were QTE's sure, but there were also just lots of context sensitive actions. One of my favorites was simply being in a basement file room looking for a file, and since your character was claustrophobic (or something, it's been awhile since I played it) you had to press the shoulder buttons

Blast! Beaten to the punch announcing love for The Rocketeer! :) BTW, if they announce a playable version of Amelia Earhart, I will purchase this game sight unseen, JUST CUZ. I'd also like to discover Atlantis, and find documents that tell me where the Lindburgh baby ended up. Ideally, he'd be a barista at one of 58

@Mattz: @PapaBear434: I'm glad to see some other like-minded Batman fans who would like to see a decent game come out for one of the best characters of all time. I have my reservations about The Dark Knight game because I have so little confidence they'll be able to convey the detective skills and psychological

@brightcrazystar: Could we please, as a society, get off the "sandbox gameplay" jock? Not everything works in a sandbox. Run around beating up people for money and renown? You know how you can also accomplish that? A static map in a Story Mode of a fighting game. Why would I want to run around a fully realized Tokyo

I am overburdened!

I completely agree. I know the fight with Laughing Octopus in MGS4 was a lot easier because they would crescendo the music and change the tempo right before she came out of hiding, so if I hadn't found her yet I always knew when to get to a corner so she couldn't sneak up on me. I also remember thinking, "Man, this

Fatal Frame is by far the scarier of the two, by virtue of them constantly putting you in the shoes of a small girl armed only with a camera. Not a demon killing sword, not a shotgun, not even a baseball bat, no, you get a damn CAMERA, which is only effective when you look through it in first-person, and can only hurt

I absolutely must put my two cents in on a couple of points people have made so far.

I recently had the same experience as you Brian, only it was for a friend's 20-somethingth bday. We were trying to recapture our youth I guess, but it only served to confirm our impending oldness as we wheezed our way through the corridors after 5 minutes.