
She won’t make him look like an idiot. Everyone needs a voice now. Even unhinged Nazis. You don’t want to risk alienating the moderate Nazis.

I mean, this seems like common goddamn sense. What did she think was gonna happen? Is everyone a fucking idiot now? Am I an idiot? Are we all idiots? Is this life?

He was summoned like that.

Their oil deposits aren’t really that impressive anymore since fracking has become economically feasible. There really isn’t much reason for the US to suck this dick.

Dear person who wrote this story: the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Museum of Modern Art, while both being art museums with lots of Ms in their names, are in fact two different places. At no point do the kids in this book ever take up residence at MoMA.

the laws of our nation were not conceived with the belief that anyone this messed up could possibly ever get elected, tbh — and these laws operate on the further assumption that, if anyone this messed up ever *did* get elected, surely the rest of the government would be willing to act
we just do not have the mechanisms

In short, because the Republicans control Congress, and Trump’s insanity is helping them do what they exist to do: line rich people’s pockets by hurting the poorest and most vulnerable. 

Because the people who’s job it is to kick him out of office are the ones working for him. Seriously. The AG has to bring charges—you know, the one who had to recuse himself from the FBI investigation since he was colluding with *45 and the Russians—and the House has to do the impeachment thing—you know, the ones who

Jason Chaffetz can eat every bag of dicks. He might be the biggest douchewizard in Washington.

There is pressing congress and then there’s making up fantasy tapes of Trump taking orders from the Russians. One can do one without the other. In fact I’d suggest the latter will actually hurt the cause more because it’s such a blatant lie.

One day, the kids will see the movie and ask, “Did it really happen like that?” And we will shake our heads sadly and explain that, no, it was so much stupider.

Can they do this for thr current administration?

Going forward I’m going to tell everyone to shut the fuck up because I have too low a smoke point.

Uncomfortable television makes me physically itchy, so I will not watch this, but the recap was a delight. Thank you, Bobby. :)

Homer would be a better president than Trump.

Homer would be a better press secretary than Spicey.

Never has that gif been more appropriate.

My dad and I have been arguing over email because he just doesnt think it’s realistic at all. I have decided to do the mature thing and give him the silent treatment half our of spite and half out of self-care.

People are already dying in states that didn’t take the medicaid expansion. 800-1500 a year in SC alone.