You REALLY have to be an asshole to get me to side with the ad agency.
The only real difference (and why I’m not laughing at him entirely) is that the Fearless Girl was the work of an ad agency and is therefore purely corporate.
the world has changed very much since the bull was originally placed. To me it no longer symbolizes “the resilience of the American market”, but rather, the greed and selfishness of Wall St. and their complete disregard for the middle class, trampling over them to get more money in their pockets.
I love that the NYT is shading Spicer by suggesting in all earnestness that he’ll put on the bunny suit again. Hilarious.
I will be heartbroken if there aren’t any reports of a despondent Easter rabbit wandering the grounds quietly muttering to himself “I’m the Governor of New Jersey for Christ’s sake”
That would actually be pretty awesome. Spicer running around on the front lawn all: “Easter is fake news kids! Your words, not mine!”
I predict the event will just be Hope Hicks throwing raw eggs at passing children while Stephen Miller shrieks “ENJOY YOUR LAST BIG GOVERNMENT HANDOUT, DICKBAGS!”
This year’s Easter Bunny be like..........................................^
WE, however, do have something to celebrate.
I’m HOH, so much that living in the hearing world is so difficult sometimes that I don’t want to get out of bed. I was mainstreamed to read lips only. No sign. Thanks parents and teachers! I was raised to please your hearing world. I am sitting here with tears streaming down my eyes right now reading some of the…
They persuaded their bodyguard to buy lemonade, and then their driver, and then the maids, who “dug deep for their spare change.”
It’s been my personal experience that the guy who thinks he’s the smartest person in the room is never the smartest person in the room. The smartest guy in the room is usually the one who asks the most considered questions and listens the most while not putting on airs.
I don’t know about you all, but I think men may be constitutionally too emotional to be in leadership positions.
BTW, I do miss Gawker still.
The less you DO about it, the more money you can make from it. Easy as pie. Evil as fuck.
This is the definition of evil - knowing better, knowing what you’re doing will harm people and not giving a single fuck anyway.
When Paul Ryan uses social safety nets to go to college and prevent his family from sliding into poverty, it’s totes different. Everyone else is a lazy asshole who is a parasite to the taxpayers.
He supports free-market solutions for people with autism. Like...uhhhh...private companies taking the place of medicaid and disability assistance, I guess. Or churches doing it or whatever or...look, just shut up and read Atlas Shrugged, ok? It explains it all in there.