The Prighlofone

Now you're all reminding me to watch that "Twilight Zone" episode with the incarnation of the Devil and the guy in the hotel pleading with his guest not to let him out due to having worked so hard to trap him.

I'm pretty sure it was a full-on nervous breakdown.

"Skelethon" is one of his best and one of the best hip-hop albums of the decade thus far (though I've looked it over and I'm a bit disappointed that I haven't been wowed by as many albums as I'd hope so far in the 2010s.) I've heard the first two-thirds of this, Aes is as good as ever and I have the feeling the parts

I worked at an AMC.

There’s the aforementioned Deborah Wells, a woman who was stuck in a well for three weeks as a baby and now oversees a charity that organizes the throwing of roast beef sandwiches into wells

I still think she deserved that Oscar, though.

I hope this is good. I like Drake, but the little I've heard from him post-"NWTS" has seemed like he's put next to no effort into it, and while I know this is only relevant to certain mixtapes, I don't feel ghostwriting has a place in hip-hop in 2016, and when people point it out as a detraction from legitimate

"Hey look, a really…tall…FEEEEEENNNNCE!"

PolitiFact said that was false!

Are you Ed Flanders?

Lisa using the phrase "for Christ's sake" strikes me as odd, but I still want to know the context of everything I've seen here.

I feel like with all the turmoil in the world, we could use the full script as an antidote to all the chaos and pain.

It's just a shame Keith was only around for one episode.

"The Internship"! I kept getting it confused with "The Interview".

I can't help but wonder how much product placement - and how subtle or obvious it will be - will appear in that new "global-warming's-a-scam!" documentary that features Sarah Palin as an authority on climate science.

*zombies pause as well with respect to @AlienJesus as he takes his sip of Pepsi*

Ahem, what about Morgan Freeman in Deep Impact?

"We Love the 2010s" is going to be a rough one to endure come 2020. But at least we'll have Harriet $20 bills.

I saw a truck today that advertised frozen yogurt that actually called it "Frogurt". The rest of the week's gonna have to be pretty spectacular to top that!

Normally I hate when an actor who has already been in a show comes back as another character - boundaries, show runners! - but Fey is so good (and the season seems to be hitting its stride with Fey in a bigger role and Krakowski in a lesser one) that I actually don't care, for once.