
“Incessant social justice seekers” isn’t how I remember it.

“People are saying accurate things about an old TV show again and my feelings are being hurt with wild abandon thus. Democracy was a bad idea.”

Had to read up on him. The fact that the only non-Republican he donated to is Tulsi Gabbard is hilarious.

This review doesn’t seem to justify handing money over to anti-abortion and anti-LGBT politicians and groups.

He’s beyond unwatchable in the first movie. Absolutely every word out of his mouth is like sandpaper to your eyeballs and earballs

They sold the first movie as an exciting new adventure in the world of Harry Potter...and then The Notorious TERF decided she wanted her very own Star Wars Prequel TrilogyPentology. So many misbegotten choices at every turn, I’d love for somebody to compile a tell-all history of how we went from “It’s the 1920s and a

That quote definitely means he is some degree of incommunicative, even if not totally.

Better than Boba Fett and Obi-Wan” is a masterclass in damning with faint praise

Given they’re using AI to create listicals and other shit for this website, I find it hilariously ironic that they’re taking a strong stance against it otherwise. 

The song's shit. And would still be even if the lyrics were somehow completely apolitical.

People need jobs, not tech. 

Now playing

Yes, Reagan was bloviating about “welfare queens” throughout the 80s and then Peter Gabriel back-hands the big guys with “Big Time” (1986). Of course, Gabriel is on his way to making it big himself, but he’s at least paid his dues and is actually brilliant. I don’t recall a single artist who mocked poverty.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a stark expression of working-class false consciousness as this song and the cultural phenomenon around it. Think about how odd it would seem to people of modest means in any other country—or in this country before 1980—for a populist protest song with a title explicitly calling out

Do you seriously think all technology is inherently good? lmao

Gotta love blaming her divorce being the bitch we have all known she is for years. But I am glad to know that if I ever get a divorce its okay if I yell at a pregnant woman.

It’s disheartening to see such perverted, anarchic behavior associated with Beetlejuice.

Well, that accounts for that Sunday, but how about apologizing for every other day you’ve existed in the public sphere?

This news would be considerably more exciting if Fables had ever been, you know, good. 

Given Willingham’s terrible views that he slathered onto his comics, this has created a hilarious situation: