
Legislating the placement of hands, to my mind, is ludicrous. It undermines instinct and spontaneity.”

We’re trying to reduce the number of criminals!

More cops doesn’t solve any problem, not even the wrong one.

You know what fixes crime? Jobs. You know what provides more jobs? Taxing the super-rich and getting that money back into the economy to create jobs. “More cops” is solving the wrong problem.

“Centrism” as practiced in the US is the theory that the problems aren’t actually all that bad, and that the worst thing we could do is take any sort of drastic, risky action to fix them.

Yeah, if anything, it’s centrism that’s responsible for the half-assed judiciary system that screws over criminals, cops and citizens on the regular.

That’s not what centrism is?

Got it, you were a shitty employee. Okay, no need to tell the whole internet about it.

So you sexually harassed your coworkers?  Ya, good you worked when people looked the other way.  Creepy though that you admit that. 

Hopefully your tombstone won’t read “he got regularly outraged on behalf of sexual harassers”

I agree that ‘bury your gays’ shouldn’t be an excuse to avoid giving gay characters life and death stakes, and that sometimes people complain when it’s not really merited... but at the same time, the specific subtrope of “maintain a will-they-won’t-they for ages to bring in lesbian viewers, allow the couple to finally

Committing your username to memory so I know to shit on you at every possible opportunity.

Or alternately you could find a nice quiet space to fuck yourself.

You tedious little shit.

I get that new concepts and words can be hard. The singular “they” in English only goes back to the 14th century

Oh fuck right off.

Learn English. They is a very common singular pronoun, and has been long before trans folk started using it.

I was an adult when the Harry Potter books came out, and so it was largely beneath my radar. But I read all the books to my kids a couple years ago, and frankly, was appalled by the crappy writing. I found myself editing it(what a thought!) live while reading it aloud, because I just couldn’t bring myself to speak

I was examining his genitals, but for entirely different reasons. Anyway, Jacob and his fans can rest easy because it’s benign.

Given the constant sharing of her views by the writer I’m surprised there isn’t a scene where Jacob is banned from the toilets for being a muggle after being discovered following an examination of his genitals.