
See I just went to a website to check these claims and it came out with this so...

How is a show that portrays cops as lovable buffoons *not* copaganda? Modern cop shows have actually increased Black and brown recruitment in places like New York precisely because they present a more progressive vision of the force than actually exists. And no, they haven’t increased it enough to make a difference,

It’s a little tiresome how Adler always gets trotted out at Sherlock’s love interest, because she’s basically the only meaningful female character in any of Doyle’s stories. And even in the one story she actually shows up in, she’s not a love interest, she’s just a dramatic foil for Holmes. Holmes is about as asexual

This counterpoint would make sense if we were just discussing fashion trends, and not, you know, an episode of Sherlock that played into every horrible orientalist stereotype it could fit into its runtime. Not to mention that the episode didn't take place in China, which is where the Hanfu movement is relevant...

Except for the fact the “tightly plotted” show also relied on sexist tropes of women being emotional over men they like such as Adler losing because she “fell under Sherlock’s spell” and used her love for him as a password, mocking Molly over her unrequited love for Sherlock, Mary being turned by love, and the final

There’s an alternate timeline where all those stunts don’t fuck him up and where Philip Berk doesn’t grope him and I wonder, in that timeline, what his arc would have been.

In retrospect, entrusting a Sherlock Holmes adaption to a couple of people who were interested in the vague idea of Sherlock Holmes but had little experience (or interest) in writing mysteries might not have been the best decision, creatively.

The first Mummy is the closest we’ve come to replicating the Indiana Jones films, and Fraser is a big reason why his character comes off as charming and romantic rather than an insufferable douchebag.

Seeing this reminds me how glad I am that they sanitized Tintin for the CGI movie years back. That shit got friggin’ RACIST.

I rewatched The Mummy Returns recently and anybody who can make a movie with bones that bad into something really pretty entertaining deserves all the career success. (No discredit to Rachel Weisz, who is also better than that movie deserved)

I think you could say that the vast majority of musical biopics are “unintentional Walk Hards.” Walk Hard so accurately skewered that whole genre that if you were to watch it right after Bohemian Rhapsody, and didn’t know when it originally came out, you’d think it was specifically mocking that movie.

ew. do people really still turn out to watch those? like, even knowing how shitty Tom Cruise is as a person? I haven’t even considered a M:I movie since 200-something

I imagine she’d be recognized more if she’d had other high-profile roles, but most of us have only seen her looking like this:

Well said. One (of many) of the stupid-ass arguments that drives me nuts is, “LUKE TRIED TO KILL HIS NEPHEW! WHAA?!”

I loved the fact that Luke had gotten crotchety and sarcastic in his old age (and come by it honestly, too). The whole notion that he should act exactly the same way when he’s 60 as he did when he was 25 is ridiculous.

Yeah, I’ve never liked the argument that Holdo could’ve just told Poe what was going on. He’s been an insubordinate asshole all throughout the film, and when he does learn what Holdo’s plan is, he stages a coup. Poe just wants to go blast things until Leia finally talks some sense into him. 

Whatever else the movie did wrong, the idea of ‘TLJ ruining Luke’ from ‘hardcore’ fans is the most hilarious misunderstanding of Star Wars characters, lore and philosophy they could muster.

I get why some people don’t like the idea of Luke considering killing his nephew when he realized he turned to the Dark Side. It’s very shocking revelation. However, it’s important to note that the moment he considered it, he immediately felt shame for what he did. But by then it was too late as Ben had seen him

The strange part is that it was the last Star Wars movie. Like, they said it was supposed to be a trilogy, but the third movie never materialized. Still, I’m pretty satisfied with the ending of TLJ.

This movie is fucking awesome and an excellent addition to the Star Wars saga.