
That sounds—and I don’t say this lightly—worse than a hundred September 11ths.


In brighter news, Donald Rumsfeld died.

‘…the Star Trek parody movie that nobody really liked when it came out…’

I don’t know how old he is now, but it seems like he never really got over that. 

Yeah. I saw it the weekend it came out and totally loved it. Told all my friends about it.

It was a moderate success in theaters and got positive enough reviews. It built up an enormous following soon afterwards from rentals and running endlessly on cable. My best guess is Barsanti was thirteen at the time and thought everything sucked.

Well, there goes my initial impulse to come down and say “what the fuck are you even on about?” the second I read that line.

‘…the Star Trek parody movie that nobody really liked when it came out…’

a spin-off of the Star Trek parody movie that nobody really liked when it came out but that everybody seems to like these days

set for some reason to a sultry cover of “Smells Like Teen Spirit.”

Is there a single living human being who has ever liked James Corden? They don’t seem to exist and yet he keeps getting work. It’s like he was genetically designed in a lab to be the most untalented hack imaginable.

He can move to disgusting Western food. How about that Sardinian cheese with live maggots? Or Irish-American food?

Disgusting. Who would watch James Corden?

“Sully was a decent-sized hit, but it wasn’t a cultural phenomenon. Here, the menacing figures weren’t Iraqi insurgents; they were geese.”

It is very odd as Brits usually only steal African American music. 

It should have been phrased “inexplicably British Americana band.” Because it’s a *very* American style of folk they’re doing.

Oh no, where will we ever find another white dude who can play the banjo? /s

there plenty of other disturbing fairy tales you can choose from

I did hear some proud boys use that exact same line on Twitter. So you are in good company!