
Do you think this game may include acts of law breaking?

Metal Gear Dong. That or a rail gun, I haven’t decided yet.

All good except for the fact that the person playing this knows exactly where to go and what to grab onto. Something makes me think they should just release a video of the player falling to their death as I imagine this is where most players will spend their time.

No. He is not. KO made him step up his game.

Ummm, the movie isn't even out yet. Also, ever heard to reserve judgement? Or are you simple another cold, callow, and heartless individual of the Internet? That or you have to making your deadline! Thanks Gawker Media!

Seriously lost me at

This is the worst article ever. You didn’t even give a reasonable way to get your car back. However, you could just look the shit up on the internet (make, model, year) and you can easily find video instructions on how to fix your own shit.

Watching that gif over an over again just gets my blood boiling.

They took one of the worst storylines in recent years ugh. Also lets hope they don't make you play through that special level where the screen goes black and you have to advance to the next area based solely on a split second screen when everything is still visible. Thanks Obsidian!

For a lark, I took some time reading through the most recent update for the PS4. I don’t actually have this linked anywhere but I think I clearly read somewhere that part of being on there Network is that they reserve the right to take back this digital information. It is crazy, but I think it is actually in there.

code for the interior? doesn’t michael go inside of the space ship during the epsilon mission and then once when he has his DMT trip?

It’s like this guy thinks he has a monopoly on the ‘bald doctor with round glasses look’. I seem to remember a certain ‘Analrapist’ that has the same look as well:

All I can say is,

Quick! Someone inform Joel McCail!

Screw em'.

I think the backlash on this is stupid. Bungie has been smuggly acting like a dick from the beginning, all there updates are filled with these backhanded comments. They change the game and respond, "The Raid is never suppose to be easy." Good for them. I like a challenge.

TL;DR Ubisoft is putting designers into Limbo and are growing so exponentially that their business model may force them to eventually downsize after 2019, or until they receive more compensation from the Canadian government. Also, why doesn't the US support creative companies in this way?

How about the fact that we need to stop pushing manufacturing as the be all and end all in this state. Did you know at one time we had Hollywood coming here for various blockbusters, only to have our small minded state representatives pull pretty much all of the funding? The people of Michigan need to step up and

I can't wait till this is all over, frankly all this press about it makes me not want to read this or any site involving games anymore. Now, let's all keep in mind this is only my opinion.