
As a 3D artist myself, I have started to think that 3D artist give away their attempt at reality in the eyes. Not because of the, what some have called, a philosophical "soul" theory, but rather what I think of as just simple refraction. We, as artists, often times find a simpler way of doing something. To create a

Agreed with just about every point. I honestly stopped finding anything fun in this game once I finished the main story. Voice acting and writing aside, most of the game was pretty bland. This comes from someone that spent most likely over 100 hours in Just Cause 2. Now, that game did not have as great of aiming,

Despite what others may have said on this site all I have to say Kirk is this:

My brother just came back from years of teaching in south korea and apparently stuff like this is pretty common. I use to work as a specialist in an apple store here in the US and I can tell you something like this isn't that uncommon. Then again, the worst was a stink bomb during christmas rush and the women who

This neglects the fact that bringing the camera closer makes the game notoriously hard to drive with. It was kinda annoying when your booking down the highway and smashing into a car through cross traffic. I couldn't play it that way.

This video was actually a happy little reminder to me. I left a job because it was soul crushing and not what my life was about, all to return to the craziness that is my parents house. To take the good with the bad is one thing, but to recognize that being sad is necessary to feel good, well, that makes a lot of

Lost me at "lacks a lead character as compelling as Niko Bellic." He wasn't compelling, rather completely boring.

No offense but I find this story kind of piss poor. You played to many video games and neglected your girlfriend all to wake up out of it and romanticize it years later. Granted, we have all done this with relationships before. Taking someone for granted, not listening, not caring. GTA IV was a crucial game for

It's all about context people! Like remember when daddy fled from the police and killed that hooker with his car?

can anyone at least answer why he looks so ghoulishly pale?

More muddled effects! i.e. thanks Dark Knight for making every producer and art director think that everything needs to be dark. I have the feeling that this will not be the strongest game in the series. I have had close friends that are long time fans of Batman thinking that this game might just turn out to be a

Walt clearly made the wrong partner's in those Neo Nazi's. He came to them thinking that they weren't loose cannons, which, despite the bad pun, they proved this past week. The show has constantly flashed forward this past season to Walt without his kids, without his home, without his partner. He is without them

I know these are different but I saw this and could only think this:

"Hold! You cannot yet caress my daughter's awesome boobage!"

I hear that dude totally hangs dong.

I think this all depend on where you live and the genetic outlook for mates where you are at. Seriously, Im what I would consider not all that bad looking, in that I have self confidence, but I wouldn't date any of the pie faced ladies around here. Or rather as I say, man that girl is Michigan as fuck.

So.....Dead Islands Edge? Literally the same sliding animations as mirror edge, same weapon modification as in Dead Island. They take away the GUI so we don't think it is going to play the same. My main thought though, Mirror's Edge was hard as hell, I quit playing it after a couple hours and never picked it up

It also kind of amazes me, some of the individuals who comment on here, are mad to read other peoples political opinions. Not even wanting to discuss it or read and give everyone a chance to express themselves is the main reason we have a "Do Nothing" congress. Why? Because we are a Do Nothing society. Welcome the

Anyone who believes ANYONE in this government isn't out to get their next career job is in my opinion, a FOOL. Republicans don't want to offer any form of healthcare, Democrats wouldn't even get on the healthcare that they just passed. Oh, and why is that? Because for some reason we all sat by and let them continue