@Telefoon: Thanks for the name calling.. it really validates your argument.
@Telefoon: Thanks for the name calling.. it really validates your argument.
@Alex Kaloostian: I appreciate your point that's true, but we could also cut the trees down and use the wood to make things. So both of your arguments are valid. The question with dry water is how efficient it is at scrubbing the CO2, and what is the carbon cost to produce it.
@Telefoon: Sorry I think you dropped something..
@oopsmyeye: You sir are a fool!
@Serolf Divad: I'm totally with you on the lotus esprit: but I'd like to add Little Nelly (A helicopter in a suitcase- come on!)
@rachemrocks: Do you friend request your date??
@Squalor: She has a new album coming out, I'm super sick of seeing an artists impression of her naked plastered all over spotify everytime I use it.........
@ckcallen: The only American Sports stars that we know of in the UK, are Chaqille (?spelling?) O'neille and Michael Jordan. Then there's others that compete in sports that we actively take an interest in; like Tiger (Got?) Woods, and the Williams sisters. But I don't think I could name you a single Baseball…
@ckcallen: Who is this Hand-egg player of which you speak?
@Dodge2002: Because it's Frickin awesome. If you're a web designer you don't have to bother with developers for most applications. AND even the most technophobic clients can just about work it out without too much hand holding.
@Nitemancometh: I thought guy's duster's read
@johnnystreets: I'll repeat myself just the once:
@comrade_leviathan: Yeah and an awful maze game although win95 ultimately taught one thing, how to get online. Read up on FDISK & install Slackware linux. Had to keep it for the games Quake & MI3 (that's monkey island you ninny!) were legendary.
@johnnystreets: "Music does not convey that we are emotional"
@andrelix: I'd wager it was more vapid evolution
@siwex80: That depends how you play it when you message her... also don't post on her wall, you can get in trouble that way.
@Tony Kaye: I was going to say, you'd need tom waits eating eggs n' sausage, and composing a letter to his lawyers on his blackberry. but you got there first.
@johnnystreets: I think the very inclusion of music communicates something, that we are emotional.
@Andinator: Look around you is a legendry British spoof educational show.