I am no longer on this site. Am on twitter as @PixelSnader

That honey, was what we refer to as "a damned fool".

It has everything to do with rights. No one should be forced to endorse a political agenda that they disagree with.

"She opened her top and showed them her boobs, which Jennifer says were completely covered in 'the most beautiful angels and beautiful butterflies and baskets of flowers in pastel-colored tattoos.'"

parenting is mostly voodoo. this seems like as good of a strategy as any

If you are not guilty of said action, then it doesn't apply to you.

Not everywhere.

Matt, you are using a BS argument to foment outrage where there should be none. Your notion of rapidly detecting blood borne pathogens like HIV has no relevance to the world of Blood Banking. Blood Banks use screening tests, not diagnostic tests (if you don't immediately understand the difference you should recuse

Any time somebody makes a broad generalized statement of ANY group, without qualifiers, expect someone who doesn't wish to partake in thoughtless binaries to answer with "Not all..." That's life on Planet Earth.

Yes, the Protective Knights of Male Whitedom are annoying, but most people who are intelligent would rather

People are often uncomfortable with the numbers that are associated with HIV and sexual orientation. According to the CDC, Males who have sex with males (MSM) make up only 4% of the male population, but make up 78% of new HIV cases among males, and 63% of all new HIV cases. It makes people feel uncomfortable when

Burnt Sienna

Owen Wilson was SPOT ON! Perfectly done.

I was bullied heavily in school. I also had few friends. I never did shit like this. I reported it. Nothing was done (I lived in the 80s. Bullying was a "get over it"). I learned to cope with it. On the other side, I became a much better person, and my bullies have since apologized AND tried to initiate a friendship

Trans women exist you know.

I agree with whoever said feeding feces, cum, and whatnot to someone without their consent should be assault and sexual assault. This is a vile way to respond to anything and the girl should be charged. Bullying is not ok but this retaliation is a whole new level of not ok. And any kid who actually planned this out,

Well, little girl or freshman at Arizona State.

Sorry for the double post but...this bearded guy seems to have it out for John, dude better watch his back.

Now playing

Hell, I'd be happy with a remake of THPS2.

Welcome to America, Canada!

Could you guys put up a sample letter or something to make this a little easier? I'm trying to word a polite email to Tom Wheeler, and it's tough.