On this side of the pond it’s sometimes considered a bit rough, lacking decorum or maybe a little offensive to describe someone with the word that best defines them. Donald Trump is a fucking cunt.
On this side of the pond it’s sometimes considered a bit rough, lacking decorum or maybe a little offensive to describe someone with the word that best defines them. Donald Trump is a fucking cunt.
“Benefits, I had. With friends, young Skywalker. Hmmmm.” - Yoda, The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
This is why I love commenting anonymously on Kinja.
Sounds about right, also Fuck Jim Spanfeller.
Why would he be in a physics-based action/puzzle game? He should stick to sports.
So it’s a herblife simulator?
Ranch dressing is okay. That’s it. There is nothing special about it and if I had it once every five years on a salad, I would be fine with that.
Sounds like some Haverhill ratchets decided to ride the commuter rail into town and get their load on.
Fun fact: I lived in the US for 2 years, routinely spoke my native french everywhere with friends that were here with me, stole one of y’all jobs for a while, and weirdly enough, nobody ever told me to speak english. People usually swooned and squee’d.
But sure, it’s not racist ^^
That was a metric f**k ton of scrolling just to get to Bender.
I’m in a mixed marriage. I always assumed it was based on growing up East coast (Twizzlers) vs West (Red Vines). I didn’t have a Red Vine until a few years ago. They are fucking nasty. Chalky, chemical and a weird texture. And before you peeps with your malfunctioning mouths start with your “but were they fresh etc”…
Lissen...that was an assault, and I’m sorry you had to experience that.
When I moved to the West Coast from NYC, someone gave me a Red Vine.
Baston claims that after being called “boy” by a white, female colleague, he attempted to explain to her the racist connotation behind calling a black man that. He suggested that she
don’t let her president get her ass whoopedlearn to address him by his name, to which she allegedly responded, “You don’t know what…
Does this Roots (the movie, not the Questlove vehicle or this site) have any relation to Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates Jr.? You didn’t mention.
I normally wouldn’t reply to an obvious white-power self-fellator, but your reply just goes to show how cruddy white supremacists are at thinking. Let’s take a critical look at your linked evidence.
This is one of my favorite stories, needs to be made into a movie for sure!