Haha, yes!
Haha, yes!
Also, “And she’s 5-foot-2, so she can’t be a runway model, but I think she’s really beautiful and is prettier than anyone I’ve dated.”
The title of that article was so misleading! It made it seem like it was just about that one guy, but there were multiple horrible, vain people profiled! Even a couple women who are done dating 6 foot tall crombie models!!!
Most of the republicans who didn’t vote for it didn’t vote for it because they thought it should have been WORSE.
Which character is he on Riverdale? Moose?
Yeah, the show has it problems but what you have to understand is that government worker doesn’t consider ghouls to be human. He think they are a human eating monsters that can look like humans. So he doesn’t consider the 8 year old girl a little girl at all, just a monster to be destroyed.
Most movies are based on conflict because conflict is interesting. Even most romantic comedies start with the two leads hating each other.
unfortunately most men are conditioned by society to believe that the height of masculinity is the successful seduction of a woman and thus, have their self worth tied to their ability to do so
You gotta clear that search history fellas! Bitches be snoopin!
It just took a bit to find it's footing, like most TV shows.
At least it's not like when I bought Payday 2 for the PS3 and the PC version was patched into a much better game, but the PS3 version remained unchanged for an eternity. I would read the PC Gamefaqs boards like Oliver Twist staring into the window of a rich, loved child with parents' house on Christmas morning. So…
it's not a literal harem it's a specific term used to denote a kind of trope in anime
What I like about Faster is that it's so serious. The Rock barely has any lines but he acts with his body, his imposing frame. It's a classic revenge tale.
Be Cool was the first movie where you were like this guy isn't just a wrestler, he also has great comic timing.
Uh, no Faster on this list? Come on!
Were there spaceships in the book? I don't remember any spaceships.
The first two seasons were the best. I actually liked the house better because Asylum seemed too disjointed for me. Too much stuff happening that was all rather pointless. The demon stuff was good, but the aliens were completely superfluous to the plot.
I'd rather Laurel died.
It was like Venom, except you only had to take it once.