@Go Vols!: Steve Jobs personal fan club? Yeah.
@Go Vols!: Steve Jobs personal fan club? Yeah.
@Go Vols!: Right. Once you opt out of bashing someone for wanting Gizmodo to, for once, hold Steve Jobs under the same scrutiny as everyone else.
@Go Vols!: Everyone who is "Data mined" by Google has a choice.
@Dancing Milkcarton: Why? When Jobs is clearly the worse of the two evils?
@Rambaldi: Why? It's true...
Most of these aren't creepy, and are very true.
@distalled: You don't log off.
I'm not comprehending how this would work.
@JackMatt: Haha nice. Yeah, there's plenty of ways to make it "easier".
@MrYdobon: That and let's say Android 2.6 is coming out for example, but your phone only officially will ever be updated to 2.3.
Oh noes. Not plug in and then click twice! Oh my god what are we going to do! That's such a tough step to get complete access to the SD card!
Aliens. Don't go in there. Trust me.
Could you port it from Google voice to a carrier before?
@PacJack360: Just like you can very easily install a custom Froyo ROM.
@Gundem: Yes they do.. except they charge it to their users directly. $10 for new firmware for iPod touches. Ridiculous.
1.) Multiplayer achievements/trophies
@Bramsey89: Yeah, this is years and years old.
The people who made the movie "What the Bleep?! Down the Rabbit Hole", a film about quantum physics.. apparently already knew this like 6 years ago when I watched it.
Learn to do math.
@Graviton1066: It sounds like this: [jurassicparkwtf.ytmnd.com]