
@Ethereus: Ah, damn. Well I'm out of ideas as well then.

@Ethereus: You've tried starting it in compatibility mode for XP/Vista? Or launching it in 640 x 480 mode, and the other options, yes?

As it was "Fight Night", I realised it wouldn't be worth the time to enter my birthdate.

@Ethereus: I don't see anything about sending you better hardware in the patch notes, sadly.

If they still made good games, people would still play them.

I see what you did tharrrr.

Hahah he better fucking book it now.

Maybe your Time Warner connection was just trying to give you a hint? ;)

It's really not that hard. I've beaten it.

It looks atrocious.

@m1ndtr1p: They shipped on the same date.

You really really need to make this an embedded sortable list, or change the colour of or maybe bold the CURRENT price of each product.

UPS is absolutely a bunch of failures.

I bet this is the most traffic Yahoo has experienced in years.

I'm guessing the Music app will soon be separated from the core package, as all the other apps are.

I beg of you still, make this a sortable list. Or at least make the text of the current price a different colour. I want to be able to glance at this and only care about what I can afford, not how much stuff used to be.

Anybody could have told you that buying the Beta or Alpha version meant you won't have to buy the full one.