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I just had to say, I have no idea what is going on.

He wasn't their best singer in any way, but if you hear what he sounds like now you'll know what I mean. He can't really hold a note anymore, and is very flat now.

Well to add more coincidence, I actually got to see The Who open for Roger Waters in October. His performance was quite good, until he started getting all preachy political. His voice isn't fully there anymore, but his music isn't really about the vocals so it didn't matter too much. I'll probably see him again

I saw them on their last run. The show was great and Lambert is probably the best possible replacement for Freddie. But it also started late and lasted about two and a half hours.

The only person I know that has, actually hasn't been able to do anything with the check. It's like the last part of his child to him, and he carries it with him everywhere.

It is in a way, certainly the closest thing we've gotten.

My initial reaction was that War is the weakest of the three, but still quite good. The timing of the very end just seemed odd and convenient, and overall I think the film had a lot of extra stuff that could have been cut out, but I'll need to see it a again to give it a better evaluation.

I thought they were working on that murder maze house guy movie. I was rather looking forward to that one.

I actually saw Johnny Depp play with Aerosmith and Slash a couple years ago. It was odd.

Spielberg has a great track record for improving the source material.

I can see them playing off each other real well, but all I needed was Grammer to get me on board.
Bell is great in The Good Place, so I'm really looking forward to this now.

Well I would've given it a chance if Mel had directed it but now all my hopes for it are gone. The Shallows was pretty good, but I didn't see anything in it that would make me think that the director could fix the issues Suicide Squad had. Best of luck to him.

It closed in 94, and was repurposed into Ariel's Grotto through 2004, still visible but the submarines had been removed, 2 of which were brought to and sunken off of Disney's private island. After Ariels Grotto, it was demolished and became Poohs Playful Spot, until 2010 when construction of new Fantasyland took

20,000 Leagues was taken out. The spot it was in is now occupied by the Little Mermaid ride and the Seven Dwarves Mine Train.

Teddy Roosevelt still has the best Bigfoot encounter. This one doesn't really sound all that exciting or plausible.

Hollywood tends not to care about those things. Only certain drunken ramblings get you in trouble.
Also apparently the only requirement to be inducted here is having been in front of or behind a camera at some point.

I just really hope Michael Gross returns for this. He's the only one holding this together as a franchise. And with SciFi attached I don't exactly have high hopes, since they don't exactly have the best track record since the name change.

I do not use ketchup myself, but my only experience with non-refrigerated ketchup is a place I once worked. They didn't keep the ketchup in the fridge and it would periodically become filled with maggots, and was served that way multiple times. Although they also only cleaned things before food or coast guard

Nope it's finally being released. It was already finished when they cancelled it and legal issues kept it from being released earlier.

It's definitely the more similar and most people seem to consider West as the better film. It's just West doesn't sit as well with me. There was just something about it that kept me from really liking it, especially comparing it to the Man With No Name trilogy or America.