The Pho

I feel like I've heard that before though. So I'll not get my hopes up until it's filming.

That was basically what I didn't want to get into. Basically I just did not like The Wire at all, but eventually got through it. It was in no way bad, I just couldn't like it. The Shield is the best of the genre.
The Sopranos is a different type of show that I feel has given us more and was just better as well.

And maybe someday, we'll get that story finished.

Most of their stuff is included with Amazon Prime, just not current shows.

Sopranos without the slightest doubt to all of the above. It's far more captivating and I think better all around in acting and writing. I have more but I'd rather not get into it.

I only keep it because a few others use my account. But even they barely use it. I use it maybe once a month, probably more like 4-5 times a year. I use Hulu way more these days and Amazon a little more. Netflix has such terrible selection with their focus on original content now.

I pay $28 or $30, it depends on the film.

I thought you hated the second one.
Well I hadn't seen the first one I was lost!

I enjoyed the other two a lot so the third being a mess was really disappointing. Although I will say I liked the Yetis in that movie a lot, but that's all the positive things I have to say about it.

I'd agree with Batman v Superman, but unfortunately I've seen at least 2 other films in the theater that rank below it.
The less terrible one is 10,000 BC. I pretty much forgot that movie as soon as we left the theater, but it was just bad in every way from acting to set design.
The worst one has to be Balls of

I'd agree with that. San Junipero is my least favorite.

It's creepier than Pennywise

Malvo was perfect for his run. I absolutely loved how he was handled in every way and that's why I'd like to not see him return again. Of course if they find a way I'd probably be excited but his story was told as fully as we need.

Deluxe seems to have fixed basically every issue I had with 8, so that will likely place higher. Although I preferred 7's racing to 8's just because I'm not a huge fan of the no gravity segments. I've still enjoyed 8 plenty, it was just held back.

I'm pretty sure that this less visible rivalry is in fact not a rivalry at all but just some people from Montreal that want it to exist. It's not a rivalry if the other side doesn't have any idea that it exists.

It took me years to get anybody to Watch Justified or Breaking Bad, but then they always wound up loving them and recommending them to others as well. I've yet to get anybody on board with The Americans, and I've certainly tried.

Meet at the clock tower.

I'll admit I really enjoyed Escape Plan, but a second sequel seems a tad unnecessary.

64 is much better than 8, at least they put effort into a battlemode for it.
And Diddy Kong Racing is far better than either.

And the cat didn't seem too pleased either