
Yeah, there’s really no reason to mysticize this by framing it as some “Eat, Pray, Love” bullshit. That was ironically a pretty infantilizing take to be included in the article, like, “Oh, don’t worry, Suzie’s just on a voyage of self discovery” as though a streaming gig is the same as fucking off to Laos for a year

Write this article but from the perspective of how when playing as the British Empire and Commonwealth forces you’re nearly always in an entirely White army despite the Empire being predominantly made up of Asian and African peoples or how no campaign ending ever has “and by jove, who cares if Bengal starved and

“It’s extremely irresponsible to blame women, especially younger women, for the ways men and society have infantilized them,” Kish Lal, a writer who’s covered egirls, told Kotaku in an email. “Most egirls are quite young, to begin with. Participating in memes, dances, and building communities on apps like TikTok

Yikes. Watching that felt as natural and human as watching Anakin and Padme talking about sand. If this level of dialogue and acting is considered “good” by video game standards, the medium has a looong way to go before it can approach what other mediums are doing.

I distinctly remember the original commercials on TV and wanting it badly (I was 12 at the time). Sony was the only console really pushing games into cinematic territory that was ahead of their time, thanks in large part to the CD-Rom format.

FF7 was THE game for me when it came out. I was 15, so the perfect age for the story, and it looked so cool compared with what had come before. I am not just a little embarrassed to say that Aeris and Tifa contributed heavily to my teen awakening, as it were. All in all, I probably put something like 150 hours into it

Wow, that sounds kinda terrifying! And this just adds another con to my list of whether to get VR. Imagine it being unwise to drive because you played a videogame too much...

Their publicists made very good selections! 

You don’t owe anyone, ESPECIALLY the commenters on this goddamn rag of a blog, any explanation. Tell them to kick rocks and piss off.

WinglessVictory is literally doing 10000% more than is normal, and you’re just attacking them even more. Unpaid rent is *not* a write off on taxes.

Bumping the price would be in poor taste

How would a sale be in poor taste?

RDO is literally so boring, and this article is proof.

Watching randoms blow up and launch themselves is “something to do because there is nothing to do in RDO”.

Yeah except you’re neither a journalist writing an opinion piece, a meditation expert, a sociologist or a psychologist with data on the benefits of gamification though. You’re just douchy. Your comment was disparaging and added nothing to anything.

Your point would have been much better received if you could have delivered it with a bunch of insults and a shitty attitude. Maybe try not to be a dick next time you try and share thoughts about how people should live their lives.

Why on earth would you think this is about needing to be “taught” something....?

Red alert, the guy who thinks he’s too good for video games has logged into the website about video games.

Says “People can do what they want and we are all free to judge them for it.”

Or, you know, you could mind your own business and let people enjoy things ?
Maybe ?