
Charge by the ounce. A lot of breweries do that.

You really go to shitty bars.

I’ve too everywhere in Denver (i.e., 90% of the breweries in the metro area) and a go0d 1/3 are types or derivations of IPAs. Thankfully sours are the next IPAs so that’s another 1/3 with the rest experiments, lagers and BA’s

So apparently you don’t drink at breweries or any good bars?

If only a game that came out years ago was reviewed. They didn’t have reviews back in 2014. Sad but true.

Latest in white privilege...

Welcome to Gawker, uhh Gizmodo. Seriously, this has always been a thing. Not sure why it’s even brought up here though

You aren’t a terribly bright human, are you?

Scratch brewing has a very limited distribution. It is unlikely anyone outside of few very places in Chicago and the brewery itself that you will find their beer.

So you hate Grant Morrison. Interesting stance.

Fuck off.

Plastic Man has never been a very grounded character. Ralph here is...a Pre-Ralph Ralph?! I just always felt he was a good 10yrs older in the comics than he is shown in the The Flash.

Thankfully while I wasn’t into comics in the 80's I was able to experience the full Ralph and Sue in the 90s through back issues. Identity Crisis...has not aged well...or aged too well?!

Science is beyond this human

Hope they introduce Sue “Dibny” next season

This series has been around over 13 yrs

I like the part where you detail the history of Jump games, specifically the Japanese exclusive Jump Stars and Ultimate Jump Stars from the mid aughts on Nintendo DS. This will Ben first time a game like this will be available in the states.

Would it be fair then to call TBS management feckless c*nts?

LOTS because you insist on having the god damn thing concurrent with the Limestone Comedy Festival every fucking year.

Reading comprehension is about as prevalent in kinja as well researched, expertly edited writing is on Gizawker.