Well these suck
Well these suck
Yeah. Do please fuck off.
If it made asshats like you unhappy then it did it’s job
I’ve had bottles for years. No change.
Someone hates pubtrivia
Shouldn’t this be labeled sponsored content?
It is almost like “Discovery” means something to the plot of the show. They essentially can travel anywhen and anywhere. This lines up why we never heard about the spore drive in subsequent series in the timeline. It’s likely classified given that Discovery disappears from the prime timeline. (though I was kind of…
I feel this individual watched a different show. Perhaps could we get a review from someone who didn’t come in hating Discovery...FOR REASONS.
I did a lot on science posts for i09 and Giz since I am technically a scientist and a lot of the scicom on Giz/Gawk is problematic. So, it was mildly annoying to be thrown in the greys after “rapey-gif-gate” which forced Gawker to unveil kinja before it actually was ready to accommodate any sort of community.
It’s called kinja. It is designed to fracture and confuse the commenting community on Giz/Gawk
I would never have children exactly so such BS as this could never occur.
It’s wonderful posts like this that explain why its OK to let players die of traumatic brain injuries. As long as (mostly) black men die in the service of our entertainment, it is A-OK.
Psst, hey you. Switch is the successor to the Wii U...not the 3DS. Still separate ecosystems with some overlap given the option of portability with the Switch.
I think you are confusing fantastic with pointless feature.
TV has definitely had an effect on how the layman views and understands science. This is as much on TV writers as it is on educators.
Ugh yeah, it’s just pure and utter laziness in writing. I understand there are some constraints on the narrative due to the nature of the TV media but rather than just streamline a field to fit they pull out a bunch of tropes lacking any research. (I sometimes wonder if writers have honestly ever heard of Google.) I…
Why don’t you ask a scientist or an academic what TV shows get wrong especially given how forensic sciences in particular are misconstrued leading to ignorant juries. (Or how many conservative Americans view academia through the lens of Big Bang Theory.)
You read that wrong
That is what I was suggesting. Upon absorbing The AV Club they were contractually bound to quickly produce content without regards for accuracy. Such sweeping statements going on pure gut knowledge are emblematic of what Giz has become (especially post kinja). It doesn’t matter if its comics, sci-fi or actual posts on…
Gawker contributors are forbidden to use Google when writing posts.