
How fucking pathetic on so many levels. Its outright pathetic that somehow that fat fuck is yet again running for president. Its pathetic that millions of Americans still support and will vote for him. Its pathetic how batshit insane the Republican party has become- and I say that as someone who is not exactly

Call JG Wentworth!

Ghostbusters: Afterlife was one of the worst films, especially for a legacy sequel, that I had seen in a long time. I have zero faith that this one will be any better.

Except we already have an entire movie that was very not good BECAUSE of the overbearing recycling of elements from previous films. So I think it is absolutely reasonable to worry this movie will be more of the same.

Kevin James as a displaced Cosmonaut janitor must have been cut.

A good store manager would trespass this clown instead of allowing him to harass their employees.

Hey, the Bob Loblaw Law Blog always steers me in the right direction.

I think Black Cat’s biggest problem if she has her own movie is that it’s hard to make her not look like a Catwoman rip-off. 

While I don’t have any issues with this being the case, I still wish they would have done a remake of the original game as well. Or even just a remaster with upscaled or redone backgrounds and models and fixing the janky translations.

Say the line.
Freedom of speech, not freedom from consequences.”
Honestly it’s comical at this point. She probably violated the terms for her employment contract. But hey, if Space Karen wants to throw his money away, fine. He seems awfully competent at that at least.

Also, what does she hope will happen?”

She has a strong case. Being brain-dead definitely qualifies as a disability.

For the 1 millionth time, free speech protects people from the government imposing penalties on you for saying stupid/offensive/controversial/etc shit.

Seems like they made an agreement with HBO to never rank it below an A-.  The first two episodes got perfect As, which was ridiculous.

It’s the same. This is a big fucking nothing article because people are so afraid of Amazon, and being a successful company is “bad”.

Does anyone subscribe to Prime primarily for the streaming?  This isn’t even a consideration for me. 

We do almost all our shopping via Amazon, with a warehouse in our town.  I could care less about Prime Video, as I rarely find anything to watch on it anyway..  

Neat. Why is this something you deemed worth reporting on? 

Headline: Doug Liman Boycotts “Road House” Premiere Because of Streaming

It’s deli meat. If it’s ordinary ham/salami/turkey coming from the plant then slicing at the counter does nothing except look good. This is just foolishness on Subway’s part.