
Yeah Emma Stone keeps rising and it’s going to be a tight race for sure.  I’m torn.  I’d love to see Gladstone win, but I’d also love to see a comedic performance recognized.  I still give the edge to Gladstone because, right or wrong, the Academy voters love to virtue signal, and will want to avoid “Oscars be so

I know this is cinema blasphemy but I don’t need to see another Scorsese/DiCaprio collaboration. I’m also wary of Scorsese taking on this particular story.

Odenkirk was the best actor on television for nearly 2 decades and walked away with nothing.  Better Call Saul was better than Breaking Bad and got shut out for its run.  It just invalidates the entire concept of the Emmys 

Ugh. At least do “Young Raj”

Seriously, how many times do people have to say “No thanks” before MCU gets the point?

I realize this may make me sound like a bad person but... I have no desire to watch this. I did not think she was compelling or interesting in Hawkeye. I was either out of comics by the time she was introduced or she was so obscure I did not know about her (I got out in the late 90s) so I have no connection to her

Best way to deal with superhero fatigue? Introduce a new one who most people have never heard of!

When that plate gets shared, the labor costs (serving and cleanup) go up without revenue going up. Should be obvious why that’s a problem for the restaurant”

“Taylor Swift” is good for SEO

why is this tabloid shit in the A.V. Club 

A joke about family.

I’m too tired to write it. 

Niether Diesel nor One Race have yet to publicly acknowledge the accusations.

Because if they didn’t, 90% of them would be pointless.

The fact that you likened the card game to Gwent and didn’t mention anything of the card games in FF8 and FF9 (the best parts of those games), hurts me deeply...

With that said, huzzah! Another FF card game! 

Absolutely no need for this to be a slideshow. 

In other words, it’s long overdo for its place in the Guinness Book.

AI is just a tool. Might as well have posted this screed about the steam engine coming for all those good horse-related jobs.

While I wish we would have predicted this outcome

Man. I’m old enough to remember when Twitch was mainly about videogames instead of OnlyFans lite. 

“Our advertisers threatened to back out, so...”