
I’m sort of in the same place. And I’m sorry, but there’s a lot of stuff on this list that doesn’t rise above the level of “filler.” Maybe a dozen genuinely good songs?

The more they really thought they were on to something sophisticated or meaningful, the more junior high it sounds. They were best when they kept things simple (e.g., Break on Through, Five to One, etc.), mostly on that first record.

Would you consider changing your lyric to something less controversial like, uh, oh, I dunno, maybe “Girl we couldn’t get much...slideshow!”

I’ll keep saying it until I’m blue in the face: The Marvels was ALWAYS going to be a failure, irrespective of its quality.

Captain Marvel is a bad film, full stop. Yes, it made a billion dollars, but a massive part of that was women viewers, who otherwise didn’t give a shit about Marvel or the MCU, coming out in droves

I’m kind of fascinated how Iron Man 3 tends to be the Marvel movie with the widest spectrum of opinion.  

It’s 2023 and I don’t think anyone has qualms about a super hero movie starring was not this movie’s problem

She should be wary or Bill Gates might decide to cut in on her turf and start selling some of his own hot tub water.

You’d reckon that with that much money she wouldn’t have to spread her butthole on the internet for $20 anymore.

Another day, another rich person with more money than a rational person could ever spend doing as much as possible to avoid having to contribute to society financially. How is this video games news? 

I’m confused. There’s nothing wrong with being masculine. Trying to understand his wife was a positive, but it was also a refutation (though again, a gentle one) of older sitcoms where the dad wouldn’t even try to do that.

But that’s not what the show was. Allen’s character wasn’t toxic; he wasn’t misogynistic. He was learning to understand his wife and kids better - to be a better husband and father. But he was still masculine and still loved “more power” and all that. Those things weren’t wrong or a problem. He just needed to learn

“Maximizing shareholder value” is the biggest turd of corporate speak. As Boeing can attest, it means delivering short-term gains for stockholders (and bonuses for the exec team) at the expense of the company’s long-term health.

It’s a regular who’s who of who gives a shit!

This is a really dumb thing to care about, and publishing an article about it just panders to the dipshits that do.

Ah, the classic “something you did in a previous movie was incidentally bad for me, a formerly unknown person, so I have devoted my life to destroying you” villain that you use when you don’t have a good villain available.

This much preamble to understand a villain who is appearing for the first time in the series is an excellent example of why people are falling off the MCU.

Parent you children, lady!

It feels like they should have made a movie where we got to see, you know, all the cool shit that got Carol her reputation as The Annihilator. They skipped the best movie in the trilogy - like if Captain America went from period-piece origin story directly to Civil War without making Winter Soldier, but still had Cap

They are fucked and this trailer shows it. Frontloading it with clips of other better movies to build hype by association. And it doesn’t even work at building any hype - that first chunk with the Avengers nostalgia gives way to a quick sketch of the threat, setting the stakes, the music gains intensity and builds to

one idea that has been tossed around is to have some type of noise maker triggered as trains approach known ‘kill zones,’”